Not entirely that kind of doctor. [OPEN]

May 09, 2010 20:18

Characters: Ariane Emory and open to the crew of the Amestris
Content: Dr. Emory is inspecting her working quarters. Feel free to drop in.
Setting: the infirmary of the Amestris
Time: The afternoon of the first day that she's on the ship.
Warnings: Ari.

Down to business )

≠ robert chase, ≠ kimura kaere, ariane emory, joseph hojo

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Comments 47

did_yousee May 10 2010, 03:49:39 UTC
"Oh, hello."

Kaere had gotten bored and was wandering around the ship. At the very least, it looked nice. And there was that doctor woman. Well, what was the harm in stopping in to see what she was doing?


myworknotme May 12 2010, 05:06:11 UTC
Ari glanced up from her bag to see a tall young woman at the door to the infirmary. A pretty thing, really, and confident. The "hello" was casual almost to the point of boredom, and spoke of someone who had been on board much longer than she herself had.

"Hello," Dr. Emory replied evenly, nodding to the girl. "You're not here for anything in particular, are you." It was a statement, not a question.


did_yousee May 12 2010, 05:12:07 UTC
"Not really." Kaere shrugged. "Just looking around. You are that doctor who posted earlier, right?" She stared right into Ari's eyes and walked into her personal space. "I'm Kimura Kaere."


myworknotme May 18 2010, 03:10:43 UTC
"I am," Dr. Emory replied stiffly, taking a step back from her insolent visitor. Either the girl lacked any social graces at all, or she was testing Ari to see how far she'd be able to push her. She strongly suspected the former. "I suggest that you amuse yourself elsewhere. I'm quite busy here as it is."


unsoundmind May 10 2010, 03:58:08 UTC
Of course it would only be a matter of time.

Professor Hojo, for one, practically lived there. He'd signed on to join the crew fairly early on, eager to get another airborne medical job after losing his other when the ship was decommissioned. Being forced to move after having gone through the trouble arranging the medical records of the Fiertia hadn't been ideal, but it was a mere setback and something he could deal with ( ... )


myworknotme May 12 2010, 05:24:19 UTC
And this must be Professor Hojo. Dr. Emory hadn't touched his things, of course, though she had glanced over what she could see of his work space. It didn't tell her much, except that the man was meticulous, and was used to being in charge. The expression on his face was sour indeed, but Ari gazed directly at him, calm and authoritative.

"Your own equipment is in one place, Professor. I haven't touched a bit of it."


unsoundmind May 13 2010, 02:29:53 UTC
The Professor glanced quickly at his things and then to the woman who spoke to him. He didn't look pleased to find her lurking around in the infirmary, but that was always going to be the unfortunate downside to sharing workspace with somebody.

"I would certainly hope not," he said stiffly, only an inch away from snapping.

Still, his swift inspection of his miniature laboratory proved what she said was honest in what she said. Everything was in it's place, so he calmed down slightly, but visibly.

"You must be Dr. Emory." He didn't generally care to remember names, but neglecting to memorise those of co-workers or important crew-members was generally not advised.


myworknotme May 18 2010, 03:20:52 UTC
"I am," Ari responded, taking note of how nervous the Professor was when it came to his equipment and his space. She took care not to move any closer, or to let the neutral expression on her face change to the smirk that she felt imminent. Of any of her colleagues here on the Amestris, he'd be the most challenging to get anything from, but if he were more used to research than to treating the masses, as she was, it was something that she could use.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Professor. I've followed what news of your research I could obtain with great interest," she said.


wavesandthunder May 10 2010, 07:31:41 UTC
Ukitake made his way to the infimary, along with the ever-thicker stack of medical records that had followed him through his military career. He didn't really mind, per se - he'd been sick so long that it was routine. Just another part of a new assignment, a another errand to run. He knocked on the infirmary door to announce his presence before pushing it open.


myworknotme May 12 2010, 05:18:15 UTC
Punctuality was something to be appreciated, and Ukitake's arrival was quite punctual. Ariane got to her feet, though she remained standing where she had been, allowing the white-haired young man to come to her.

"You must be Ukitake," she murmured as she was handed the tall stack of paperwork. Opening the manila folder that sat at the top of the pile, she scanned the medical record within. "Bronchiectasis, and nothing more?"


wavesandthunder May 12 2010, 09:51:28 UTC
Ukitake gave the doctor a polite smile. "Yes, that would be me. And complications stemming from that, and some combat injuries - that's about the sum of it." It sounded so simple and easy, broken down like that. The reality was far more complicated, but after nearly thirty-five years, it was a complicated he had learned to manage.


myworknotme May 18 2010, 03:08:00 UTC
"The usual symptoms, by the look of it. If they're not too frequent, but still enough to cause you some discomfort, I believe that I might be able to put together something to stave off the worst of your attacks." Ukitake obviously wasn't suffering from any of those combat injuries any longer, so the lung problems were likely the worst of it. "The other remedies that these doctors have tried on you are useless. They're good for much milder cases than yours, sweet, but only mask the symptoms. I can give you something that will prevent many of them."


chasingwombats May 10 2010, 08:01:56 UTC
Chase knew that he had been moping around for too long. So here he was walking towards the infirmary in an attempt at proving to himself that yes he was fine and fully capable of working.

He reached out opened the door and stepped in.


myworknotme May 12 2010, 05:11:57 UTC
The door opened once more, and by the slump of the new doctor's shoulders, Ari could tell that there must have been some major upset of late. This, then, was Dr. Chase.

"Do you need more space than this?" she inquired as she saw him. "I assume you don't do much experimental work. This will work for me, for now." Emory allowed the corners of her mouth to twitch up in the slightest hint of a smile. He was handsome, a trend in her male crewmates that Ari didn't mind one bit. "I'm Dr. Emory, Dr. Chase."


chasingwombats May 12 2010, 05:30:28 UTC
Chase didn't think there'd be anyone in there and he quickly straightened so that there was no sign that he was upset in the first place. Hiding his problems was practically second nature to him.

"Nice to finally meet you, Dr. Emory." He said smoothly with a smile. "And that's more than enough for me, thank you."


myworknotme May 18 2010, 03:03:10 UTC
The flicker between emotions didn't go unnoticed. He's one to put on a happy face and hide anything that's wrong, Ariane thought. She'd do well to remember that. Dr. Chase wasn't her usual type, but she liked the look in his eyes. He'd be easy to work with, and to make useful to her in the future. "I'm glad to hear it," she replied, leaving her preparations to step closer to Chase. "Space is at a premium, isn't it?"


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