Not entirely that kind of doctor. [OPEN]

May 09, 2010 20:18

Characters: Ariane Emory and open to the crew of the Amestris
Content: Dr. Emory is inspecting her working quarters. Feel free to drop in.
Setting: the infirmary of the Amestris
Time: The afternoon of the first day that she's on the ship.
Warnings: Ari.

Down to business )

≠ robert chase, ≠ kimura kaere, ariane emory, joseph hojo

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wavesandthunder May 10 2010, 07:31:41 UTC
Ukitake made his way to the infimary, along with the ever-thicker stack of medical records that had followed him through his military career. He didn't really mind, per se - he'd been sick so long that it was routine. Just another part of a new assignment, a another errand to run. He knocked on the infirmary door to announce his presence before pushing it open.


myworknotme May 12 2010, 05:18:15 UTC
Punctuality was something to be appreciated, and Ukitake's arrival was quite punctual. Ariane got to her feet, though she remained standing where she had been, allowing the white-haired young man to come to her.

"You must be Ukitake," she murmured as she was handed the tall stack of paperwork. Opening the manila folder that sat at the top of the pile, she scanned the medical record within. "Bronchiectasis, and nothing more?"


wavesandthunder May 12 2010, 09:51:28 UTC
Ukitake gave the doctor a polite smile. "Yes, that would be me. And complications stemming from that, and some combat injuries - that's about the sum of it." It sounded so simple and easy, broken down like that. The reality was far more complicated, but after nearly thirty-five years, it was a complicated he had learned to manage.


myworknotme May 18 2010, 03:08:00 UTC
"The usual symptoms, by the look of it. If they're not too frequent, but still enough to cause you some discomfort, I believe that I might be able to put together something to stave off the worst of your attacks." Ukitake obviously wasn't suffering from any of those combat injuries any longer, so the lung problems were likely the worst of it. "The other remedies that these doctors have tried on you are useless. They're good for much milder cases than yours, sweet, but only mask the symptoms. I can give you something that will prevent many of them."


wavesandthunder May 18 2010, 06:30:21 UTC
"Really?" Ukitake looked surprised at the doctor's response. "I was told there wasn't much to be done but treat the symptoms - the the damage was irreversible, save for a few risky experimental procedures. My power keeps it in check well enough, so the cost never seemed worth it."


myworknotme May 23 2010, 04:55:46 UTC
Ukitake's surprise was exactly what Ariane was looking for. He'd be useful to have around, both for his potential as a bodyguard, and for other sorts of company. With calculated precision, she laid a hand on one of his shoulders and laughed. "The other doctors you've seen evidently don't recognize when a risk is worth taking, then. One of those 'risky and experimental' procedures has been a focus of my work. I've eliminated the worst of the side effects, dear, and if you'd like to give it a try, I can produce some for you by the end of the week."


wavesandthunder May 23 2010, 10:27:03 UTC
The prospect was tempting - almost too good to be true, really, but Ariane seemed friendly. Not hard to trust. "If I may ask - what side effects remain? does it tend to interact with magical gifts?" The second question was one he learned the hard way that he should ask - things tended to get far more unpredictable in mages, and if the ship was attacked, those would be skills he needed.


myworknotme June 2 2010, 03:07:23 UTC
That's it, Ari thought as she re-checked the paperwork for any contraindications to the remedy that she had in mind. Take the carrot, sweet. You'll get it soon enough, once I get what I want from you. Still smiling, she looked up over the folder at Ukitake and replied, "Not many. A little shortness of breath now and again, and you may need an hour or two more of sleep a night. In the beginning it will be rough, but the worst is over in a week or two."

"The best part is that it shouldn't interfere with your magical abilities any. Lots of testing in the past means that you'll be fine." Ari set the papers down on the table and put a hand on his shoulder. "What gifts do you possess?"


wavesandthunder June 2 2010, 08:37:31 UTC
Ukitake considered things for a moment after she spoke. Shortness of breath was common enough for him already, and if it meant the bad attacks were less frequent, it would be worth it. And without the exercise of teaching multiple classes a day, he could afford to sacrifice to sleep.

At that point, it finally filtered in that she had asked him a question, and he started a little, zoning back into the conversation. "My gifts? Some basic energy manipulation - I can do projectiles and some basic binding spells, and it seems that I have the strongest affinity for lightning-type magic. I don't use it often, though - a lot of my power goes to boosting my health, as far as anyone can tell, so using it makes me tired quickly." He left Sougyo no Kotowari out of the discussion for now - their power was their own, and it was a little bit...complicated to explain to outsiders.


myworknotme June 6 2010, 04:48:03 UTC
As Ukitake pondered what she had to offer, Dr. Emory withdrew a pencil from a pocket on her jacket and set to work doing a few quick calculations. A bit of this chemical here, a little of that there, and it could work. And if she could provide it to him, it would make her deal sound ever sweeter, and draw him closer. He was weighing the symptoms in his head, most likely, figuring out what he'd be getting from his end of things. It was a basic enough human process, and especially with health problems like the ones that the white-haired young man had, necessary for survival ( ... )


wavesandthunder June 7 2010, 11:38:49 UTC
Ukitake had been considering the offer seriously - and the fact that she knew how to formulate things to be person-specific meant a great deal. He had witnessed the variety of magical talent during his time in the academy, and knew that no two mages were precisely alike in how their powers worked. Her last question was enough to give him some pause, though. That sort of line was generally an opening to things he didn't want to get involved with. "What sort of deal?" he replied carefully.


myworknotme June 9 2010, 02:26:43 UTC
And the bait was taken.

"I'm not getting any younger," Ari admitted, "and my research is important. My bodyguards stayed behind at the laboratory to look after my affairs, and I could use an escort when going off the ship to conduct official business or to another ship. It wouldn't be often, sweet, and I'd need you there mostly to look intimidating. Keep me company once in a while."


wavesandthunder June 10 2010, 09:19:14 UTC
Ah - that wasn't so bad. No more than he'd offer to someone who needed his protection, to be sure. "Hm. I'm not sure how well I manage 'intimidating', but as long as it doesn't conflicted with my official duties, I'm game for it."


myworknotme June 16 2010, 04:10:42 UTC
Ari rewarded Ukitake with a bright smile. She did like it when she got her way, and it looked as though this would be an easy go of it. "Perfect! Shall we consider it settled then, sweet?"


wavesandthunder June 16 2010, 09:20:36 UTC
"I suppose it is," Ukitake replied, returning the smile. "Did you need anything else from me right now?"


myworknotme June 17 2010, 04:52:30 UTC
"Things are just as they should be for now, dear," Ari agreed. She took a step nearer to the white-haired young man and placed her arm around his shoulder, allowing her fingers to splay across the top of his arm and caress it ever so slightly. "When I need something else, you'll know."


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