You’re the one who’s riding around on a leopard [CLOSED]

Nov 23, 2009 22:06

Characters: Team Grizzled 2.0 and Team Deadpan
Content: Farm Infiltration log which should have been up ages ago but Peter is a scatterbrain, sob
Setting: A farm deep in the Badlands
Time: Middle of the night
Warnings: Violence? Or something?

The Silvana had set down a fair distance away from the farm, not wanting to alert the inhabitants that they were coming. That meant a pretty long hike from the ship to the outskirts of the farm, but sore legs aside, they had made it.

The farm didn't seem like anything special. A light layer of snow sits on top of the dead field, empty for the winter season. Despite that, the farm seems unusually active, with some hustle and bustle even now, in the dead of night.

On one end of the farm, closest to Nikolas' team, sits the farm house. The house is lit up, and through the window, one can see men moving around from room to room. On the other end of the farm, closest to Tear's team, sits the grain silo and barn. The Barn is locked up tight at the moment, but the silo shows signs of unusually heavy use.

The teams are as follows:

Tear, Sara, Demyx, Momo

Nikolas, Bangladesh, Kira, Dog

≠ demyx fowler, ≠ hinamori momo, ≠ mystearica aura fende, sara werec, nikolas kamarov, ≠ the disreputable dog

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