Stalking the Zodiac [OPEN]

Aug 18, 2009 18:50

Characters: Delita Heiral and OPEN
Content: High as can be on Angel's bento boxes, Delita wanders the ship with bloodshed on his mind
Setting: Halls of the Victoria II
Time: During the ship falling apart and the epic chaos
Warnings: Delita is high and violent, so anyone who tags, expect him to try and kill/injure your characters. Tagger beware.

Killing the Beast )

≠ delita heiral, ≠ javert, ≠ major vole, ≠ larsa ferrinas solidor, ≠ kamotaro itou, ≠ yurika dojima

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Comments 27

lawrful_neutral August 19 2009, 03:23:06 UTC
Oh, there was somebody watching, all right. "Lieutenant Heiral, I suggest you return to your quarters," Javert said flatly, stepping out into Delita's path. The suggestion sounded far more like an order. He had heard Lieutenant Heiral's journal post, which had alerted him to something being amiss.

He did not notice the dilated pupils yet. No, first he was going to talk to the officer, to find out what was wrong.


peasant_king August 21 2009, 08:22:38 UTC
Delita froze, wavering slightly on his feet. In front of him stood something awful and strange... a creature seeping evil into the halls of the ship and under his skin like dozens of biting ants. It was tall, and almost skeleton in shape, watching him.

And it knew his name.

Delita snarled, afraid but refusing to back down. Instead he raised his sword, aiming it at the beast's throat.


lawrful_neutral August 24 2009, 15:06:33 UTC
Instantly, Javert's saber was flicked out of its sheath and up to meet Delita's sword in a perfect parry. "Did I say it was a suggestion? My mistake," he said lightly, pushing Delita's sword away from his own and forcing it back, matching his strength against the other officer's. His tone became far less casual. "I meant to say, return to your quarters immediately, Lieutenant." A dark humor twisted his words.


/sorry this took so long orz peasant_king September 3 2009, 08:44:13 UTC
If Delita understood Javert's words, it didn't seem to show on his face. In fact, other then rage there seemed to be nothing in his expression at all. A gaze drugged look.

The young lieutenant growled again, pressing his weight into the opposing blade. Any smoother swordsmanship was a little beyond him right now.


i'm going to hell for this. prodigyheir August 19 2009, 03:52:17 UTC

As the halls were somewhat deserted and free of chaos -- at least for a short while, he suspected, as he wasn't quite sure what to expect anymore -- Larsa took it upon himself to poke his head out of his room, the blues of his eyes scouring the corridor to deem it safe. When all seemed clear, he stepped out, careful to close his fortunately intact door to prevent his new roommate from making a mad dash for it. He did, however, take safety precautions and remember to bring along his sword, despite reassurances that there would be nothing on board that would mean to harm him.

Still, the boy couldn't shake off that lingering ominous feeling. With all that had been happening over the last week, he was unsure how to deal with walking about the halls -- and yet, uncertainty aside, it was also somewhat exciting. Danger was something he preferred to stay away from, but to say that the Victoria's recent... mishaps weren't almost exhilarating would be a lie ( ... )


Re: i'm going to hell for this. peasant_king August 21 2009, 09:09:03 UTC
Larsa had every right to be careful. The halls, though quiet, were in fact teaming with those who were seeing hell and other stranger things. And the first one of these to find him was Delita. He turned the corner behind the boy, his gaze glassy and filled with hate. He stalked towards the boy that, in his eyes, was far from a boy.

The only warning was the hiss of swinging metal.


prodigyheir August 21 2009, 09:22:19 UTC

It happened so quickly that he'd barely even had the time to blink.

Immediately recognizing the danger, Larsa ducked out of the way, his shoulder slamming hard into the nearby wall and he barely avoided the downswing. Eyeing the lieutenant with horror, he consulted his options rapidfire: either he was to fight the man, or lose his life trying to flee. Another was to wait until someone stepped in before his shoulders suddenly found themselves without a head to balance, but there was too much at stake here to simply hope for a rescue.

He would have to draw his sword and try to subdue Delita to the best of his ability with as little bloodshed as possible.

And so the child did, unsheathing his weapon and gripping the hilt in both hands, assuming a battle stance and silently cursing the width of the corridor when he took a very brief moment to assess his unfortunate surroundings.


peasant_king September 3 2009, 08:46:38 UTC
The little imp was quick, he'd give it that. Delita spat a curse watching it draw a weapon. This had just gotten more interesting.

"That...will not save you." He purred darkly, giving a grin that was icy as death before moving forward again.


ceilingitou August 19 2009, 05:58:06 UTC
They were being chased, chased by snakes! SNAKES ON THE FUCKING SHIP! Where the hell did they come from? He had looked back at the rigging and had made a surprised cry when they started coming after him and Dojima. And they were damn fast for snakes. And purple. No, pink.

Dojima broke out into a run. He broke out into a run, too, hand still on her elbow and that sack banging around on his bag. That was when he saw a sworded demon walking up front and abruptly skidded to a halt. "HRRK!" he managed to say. "Demon!"


layersoflazy August 19 2009, 06:00:41 UTC
"Demon?" she repeated. She looked before her and saw...a man in a bad tweed coat wielding an umbrella. "It's just a salesman, Itou, they aren't THAT bad."

"Sir?" She shouted to the man with the umbrella. "You should watch out. There are snakes...."


peasant_king August 21 2009, 08:37:45 UTC
Another one!? No, two of them... Delita spat to one side, his normally well slicked back hair now wild and in his face. His swordhilt was slick with sweat and maybe other things. Even without the peppers, perhaps he might have looked like a demon....

He held his sword up, then pointed it at the two monsters.

"Judgement Blade." He whispered, and watched with sick glee as a stream of crystal crawled across the floor, heading for the twin beasts, meaning to grab their feet. No escape.


ceilingitou August 21 2009, 16:04:14 UTC
The demon was attacking! Itou was surprised by the hostility, but high or not (being chased by snakes or not), he was still a fighter and his instincts kicked in. He jumped to the side -- unfortunately, he forgot that Dojima was there and pretty much just bowled her over, ending up tumbling to the side as he tripped.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, although he handed on some soft things there.


Maim to your heart's content, Delita. I'm a bad mun. notabomber August 20 2009, 00:29:04 UTC
Boxed lunches were wonderful things. They were economical and not terribly fancy affairs, and as such, Katsura highly approved of them. They weren't soba, but they were close.Plus, After spending much of the day hanging upside-sow from the rigging, he's been hungry, and the lunch had been the fastest way to solve that problem. Which was why the officer was now high as a fucking kite.

Which probably explained why the man was wandering the halls, still dressed like a pirate, and talking to a potted plant he'd seemingly pilfered from someone's room somewhere. The fact that he was angrily debating politics with something that wasn't even sentient hadn't occurred to him, and was so preoccupying that he didn't even see Delita as he approached him.


Re: Maim to your heart's content, Delita. I'm a bad mun. peasant_king August 21 2009, 08:45:51 UTC
Infestation. That's what this was. The pathways were festering with the hell beasts, and Delita was getting frustrated. So when he say another, this one a mesh of blades and angles, chanting some strange tongue to a smaller minion, he didn't bother with challenges. Instead he threw his sword, his aim still good even when clouded by the peppers, slicing into the smaller demon from afar.

Of course he had no idea it was just a plant.


notabomber August 21 2009, 18:03:28 UTC
Katsura had not been prepared for flying swords, so it came as quite a shock to him as the plant he'd been carrying on a conversation with was cleaved in two, exploding in a mess of foliage, dirt, and broken ceramic all over the floor.


It was safe to say, whatever the quartermaster was seeing, it was very strange indeed. After staring for a moment, Katsura went for his sword, eyes narrowing at Delita. "Murderer!"


peasant_king September 3 2009, 08:50:59 UTC
Now Delita was unarmed, but he didn't seem to care, cracking his knuckles and advancing on Katsura. His breath was coming in short aggravated puffs, and the other man's accusation of murder was on deaf ears.

He'd simply strangle the life from this one...


Go ahead and do your worst. Vole's hallucinating too. notajager August 20 2009, 05:50:31 UTC
He knew that she was on the ship somewhere! The General who'd made the decision to cast him out and humiliate him in front of all of the other Jagerkin was on the ship, and Vole was going to get his well-earned revenge. She'd managed to stay two steps ahead of him no matter how fast he went now, but he'd catch her. And when he did...


Re: Go ahead and do your worst. Vole's hallucinating too. peasant_king August 21 2009, 09:02:48 UTC
The two men chasing very different ghosts were soon in the same hall. Delita stood stock-still, passing his sword from hand to hand. He wasn't even sure what he was seeing anymore. Only targets and warm bodies screaming for steel.


notajager August 23 2009, 17:26:03 UTC
And there she was, standing completely still, a mocking expression on her face. There was what appeared to be a broom or mop in her hand. Was she going to humiliate him even further by forcing him to clean up after the rest of the troops? To be demoted to a servant was an even worse insult than was simply being kicked out, and Vole was enraged by the very idea.

Thundering down the hall, the Major ran for the unmoving figure, claws spread and teeth bared. He was ready to kill.


peasant_king September 3 2009, 08:49:18 UTC
The charing shape was the most aggressive he had seen so far, and with a bellow of his own Delita charged as well, blade shining in the dim corridor. Vole was bigger, but Delita was just as bloodthirsty. He would cleave this beast's head from it's damnable shoulders if he could.


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