Stalking the Zodiac [OPEN]

Aug 18, 2009 18:50

Characters: Delita Heiral and OPEN
Content: High as can be on Angel's bento boxes, Delita wanders the ship with bloodshed on his mind
Setting: Halls of the Victoria II
Time: During the ship falling apart and the epic chaos
Warnings: Delita is high and violent, so anyone who tags, expect him to try and kill/injure your characters. Tagger beware.

Killing the Beast )

≠ delita heiral, ≠ javert, ≠ major vole, ≠ larsa ferrinas solidor, ≠ kamotaro itou, ≠ yurika dojima

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i'm going to hell for this. prodigyheir August 19 2009, 03:52:17 UTC

As the halls were somewhat deserted and free of chaos -- at least for a short while, he suspected, as he wasn't quite sure what to expect anymore -- Larsa took it upon himself to poke his head out of his room, the blues of his eyes scouring the corridor to deem it safe. When all seemed clear, he stepped out, careful to close his fortunately intact door to prevent his new roommate from making a mad dash for it. He did, however, take safety precautions and remember to bring along his sword, despite reassurances that there would be nothing on board that would mean to harm him.

Still, the boy couldn't shake off that lingering ominous feeling. With all that had been happening over the last week, he was unsure how to deal with walking about the halls -- and yet, uncertainty aside, it was also somewhat exciting. Danger was something he preferred to stay away from, but to say that the Victoria's recent... mishaps weren't almost exhilarating would be a lie.

Sword sheathed at his side, the little prince left the safety of his room for the first time in what felt like weeks, and headed down the corridor, his heart pounding fast in his chest.


Re: i'm going to hell for this. peasant_king August 21 2009, 09:09:03 UTC
Larsa had every right to be careful. The halls, though quiet, were in fact teaming with those who were seeing hell and other stranger things. And the first one of these to find him was Delita. He turned the corner behind the boy, his gaze glassy and filled with hate. He stalked towards the boy that, in his eyes, was far from a boy.

The only warning was the hiss of swinging metal.


prodigyheir August 21 2009, 09:22:19 UTC

It happened so quickly that he'd barely even had the time to blink.

Immediately recognizing the danger, Larsa ducked out of the way, his shoulder slamming hard into the nearby wall and he barely avoided the downswing. Eyeing the lieutenant with horror, he consulted his options rapidfire: either he was to fight the man, or lose his life trying to flee. Another was to wait until someone stepped in before his shoulders suddenly found themselves without a head to balance, but there was too much at stake here to simply hope for a rescue.

He would have to draw his sword and try to subdue Delita to the best of his ability with as little bloodshed as possible.

And so the child did, unsheathing his weapon and gripping the hilt in both hands, assuming a battle stance and silently cursing the width of the corridor when he took a very brief moment to assess his unfortunate surroundings.


peasant_king September 3 2009, 08:46:38 UTC
The little imp was quick, he'd give it that. Delita spat a curse watching it draw a weapon. This had just gotten more interesting.

"That...will not save you." He purred darkly, giving a grin that was icy as death before moving forward again.


prodigyheir September 3 2009, 09:09:22 UTC

Perhaps not, the little noble thought to himself rather grimly, tightening his hold on the hilt resolutely. But if I have a chance to defend myself, even if it is slight, I will take it.

Larsa took a tiny step back, watching the fury-driven lieutenant advance on him with both fear and determination in his eyes. He didn't want to know what would happen when that sword came down. What if he couldn't parry or block it? Physical pain was not something he was terribly accustomed to. If any of Delita's slashes connected...

... he was not sure what he would do.


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