[CLOSED] The direct light intersects itself-

Aug 04, 2009 12:33

Characters: Hijikata Toshirou, Roy Mustang and Miles Edgeworth [mayovice, miniskirtspl0x and edge_of_honor]
Content: Sometimes, the most unexpected place turns out to be the most obvious place to find a certain asshole.
Setting: Prison cell. :|
Time: Midday. Also so very backlogged.
Warnings: Grump, snark, snarm, loads of linefacing. Maybe some denial about gayness.

When Hijikata had first heard about Edgeworth apparently going missing after the races, he really didn't think much about it. So the asshole had decided to wander off somewhere without telling the captain - typical of a bastard like him, anyway. The boatswain could really care less to be honest, so things were as normal as they had been. The usual shouting and swearing and stomping and threats of seppuku - though now without Edgeworth to intervene, things were so much simpler.

But now a good amount of time had passed and there were still no signs of the silver-haired other. As much as he didn't want to admit, the swordsman was rather worried now - a day or two was alright, but it was far longer than that now and there wasn't so much as a word from him. One didn't need to be a genius to know that something was most certainly up now - it wasn't like the first mate to just... disappear like that without a word. Even if he was an asshole.

Thus he had taken to searching around the general area for the idiot (accompanied by a certain annoying alchemist in one way or another) and it was only now that he had finally heard word about where the asshole had been at all this time. Which was why he was currently in the police station of the race venue, linefacing quite visibly at the prison cell that was occupied by a certain silver-haired over frilly bastard.

...of all the places, why did it have to be a goddamned prison cell. It wasn't as if the reputation of the Victoria II needed to suffer any more than it should already.

miles edgeworth, ≠ roy mustang, hijikata toshirou

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