Totally NOT demon hunting, nope! [OPEN]

May 13, 2009 14:53

Characters: Raidou Kuzunoha (justtubeit) and whoever wants to bug him from either the Silvy or the Vicky!
Content: One boy detective wandering around the city.
Setting: Solare
Time: Pretty much the whole day~?
Warnings: Pimp hat. That is all. :|


≠ raidou kuzunoha, ≠ al-cid margrace, kurosaki isshin, ≠ john watson

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Comments 68

daddys_bear May 13 2009, 07:59:31 UTC
Solare. It had been quite a while since he had been here - about thirty or so years actually, to be precise. But as much as time had passed, it hadn't done much to improve the condition that Solare was in even back from all those years ago. If anything, it had only gotten a lot more worse from those times.

I suppose things aren't meant to last forever, Isshin mused to himself as he watched the fiery skies, hearing loud squawks as a pair of crows flew by. His gaze followed them until they disappeared into the fiery light of the sun and then he turned to notice the figure of one rather familiar teenager walking down the streets nearby. Wasn't it that nice Raidou kid?

Interested to see what the younger crew member was doing, the doctor started to walk up towards him and greeting aloud as he neared the other. "Raidou-kun! What are you doing out here?"


justtubeit May 13 2009, 08:05:22 UTC
If he had been anyone else, he might have jumped out of his skin at that moment. He had been heading for a particular corner on the next intersection of streets, peering at the ghost who apparently refused to extricate herself from the spot where she had died in a cycling accident.

Raidou stood up, schooled his expression as well as he could, and turned to face the speaker. He recognized the man immediately, and bowed.

"Good day, Iishin-san. I was hoping to get some fresh air."


daddys_bear May 13 2009, 08:12:42 UTC
Isshin noticed the ghost too, and for a moment he flicked his eyes towards it and frowned slightly. Looks like there was some work to do after all - not that he was obligated or anything, but he always liked to help anyone, be it alive or dead.

He looked back towards Raidou soon enough, laughing a bit at his greeting (he was really polite for a kid, the man mused with some amusement) "The air in Solare isn't the best, but its certainly better than what you have in Abantaire," he remarked with a chuckle before looking slightly serious. "Don't try to go off too far; this place isn't the safest, after all."

He knew that fact pretty well, having lived here once in his youth.


justtubeit May 13 2009, 08:17:47 UTC
"I won't."

But he had not missed where Iishin had looked, nor the way his expression had changed just for a moment.

"...You can see her too, can't you, sir?"


threeleggeddoc May 13 2009, 09:24:43 UTC
Once again, for some unfathomable reason or another, he had finished voluntary clinic duty later than everybody and had no one to walk back to the Silvana with. After the encounter the other day with thugs and Lieutenant Okita, he should know better by now not to overstay in the city, but he had gone and done it again.

That was when he spied a familiar hat in the street. "Ah! Young man!"


justtubeit May 13 2009, 09:27:00 UTC
Another familiar voice, but this time, Raidou was NOT in an uncompromising position. The boy watched Watson for a moment, and then bowed as soon as the man was close enough.

"Good day, sir."


threeleggeddoc May 13 2009, 09:33:05 UTC
"Good afternoon to you, too," he nodded brightly, relieved to have someone around. "I'm afraid I got left behind by the rest of my company in the clinic there, and I was strongly advised not to go cavorting about Solare on my own. Pray tell, where are you headed and would you mind overly much if I were to accompany you?" Which would work for him just as well, since he was also worried for Raidou. He might be more of a target than Watson was because of his age. At least Watson had a cane.


justtubeit May 13 2009, 10:13:52 UTC
"I do not mind at all, sir."

Contrary to popular belief, Raidou was actually quite capable of taking care of himself. Furthermore, he was not alone.

The boy's hand strayed to the tubes holstered at his side, concealed by his cape, before he could stop himself.

"Where shall we go?"


a_playboy May 14 2009, 03:30:01 UTC
Although many of the officers wanted to deter him from roaming, the streets of Solare on his own, Al-Cid ventured out anyways. He wanted to seem this once beautiful city for his own two eyes. After the incident with Clan Veluga, the Victoria II was still too busy trying to gain their footing again after that horrible battle. With all the excitement gone for now, the classy Erealian decided it would be best to give himself a tour of Solare while he has the chance.

"Well, well! Another tourist, yes?" Al-Cid asked with a faint smirk. He figured that the teen must have been a native here or such since he doubted this boy is old enough for the military.


justtubeit May 14 2009, 03:32:20 UTC

Raidou turned, blinked up at the man who had addressed him, and then immediately bowed.

"Not exactly, sir, although this is my first time in Solare."


a_playboy May 14 2009, 03:42:18 UTC
So, the boy isn't from here. A shame, especially since Al-Cid was hopeful for a guide. “Now now, no need to be so formal!” Al-Cid replied nonchalantly with a rather dismissive hand wave. "You make me feel old by calling me "Sir". I am sure names would do best than such mundane formalities."

Deciding to keep his flamboyant antics to a minimum while speaking with the stern boy, the Erealian gave his name minus the fancy act he normally does. “I am Al-Cid Margrace, I am sure you have heard of me.” However, just because he didn’t do the usual swanky act didn’t mean that Al-Cid wasn’t going to be an arrogant fop.


justtubeit May 14 2009, 04:13:01 UTC
...Had he? Well... no. Actually, he had not.

"Raidou Kuzunoha. I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

Formality was enough of an apology, in Raidou's eyes.


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