I wanna know about these strangers like me

Mar 25, 2009 11:26

Characters: Tarzan and OPEN
Content: Tarzan is meandering about the ship. In his loin cloth.
Setting: The Winding Way
Time: Mid-Day
Warning: Um, nearly naked man? So, PG?

Tell me more, please show me )

≠ tank girl, ≠ sora visitae, ≠ shiki misaki

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Comments 52

the_tank_girl March 25 2009, 22:34:43 UTC
Having spent most of her time below decks of late, Tank Girl had decided that today would be a fine day to check out the rigging and see how it was all put together. You could have some killer fun up there, she suspected, especially if you could put together some sort of zip line and go from mast to mast. Dressed in green coveralls cut off so that they ended at the knee, a screamingly red dress shirt whose sleeves had been replaced with bright blue ones, and her usual sturdy black boots, she eagerly clambered up the rope ladder that led to the crow's nest.

Halfway up, though, she noticed a person that she hadn't seen on the ship before. And she knew that she would've remembered this one. He was only wearing a loincloth. "Hey!" she shouted over at the new guy, "where in the hell did you come from? Don't know that the captain would've let you on like that! You must be a sneaky one, to get past him like that!" Thinking quickly, and smiling at the thought, she added, "you the new entertainment for the ladies?"


Personal space is something he doesn't know treesurfer March 25 2009, 22:43:29 UTC
Tarzan tilted his head quizzically at the odd woman. With a practiced jump and good grips, he was on the very same ladder peering down at her, their faces very close. Bright blue eyes blinked and stared as he processed her words. He'd been on the ship long enough to get a large grasp of their language, however he could not speak it so well.

"Not sneaky," He said. "Entertainment for... ladies?"


She doesn't have much of a concept of it, either. the_tank_girl March 25 2009, 22:53:16 UTC
"Ladies. You know--frilly hats, lacy hankerchiefs, way too much perfume, faint at the sight of a mouse." Tank Girl scrunched up her nose as she peered closer at the man with the startingly blue eyes. He didn't move like a normal human would. His movements were too fluid and too precise. If she didn't know better, she'd guess that he wasn't from what anyone else would call a "civilized" place. Having been raised in the Badlands by demihumans herself, however, she didn't think that it was such a bad thing. Cities were all right, but she did miss the desert. "Eh, nevermind," she replied dismissively, shaking her head. She didn't seem put off at all by the closeness, and stared right back at him. "New, huh? So am I."


Haha :3 treesurfer March 25 2009, 23:21:38 UTC
Tarzan peered closer as well, until they were nearly nose to nose. He didn't understand her descriptions of the ladies. He studied her, noting how different she looked to the other females on the ship.

Then again, every human was different.

He tilted his head. "New? What is... new?" He didn't understand the concept of being a new person on the ship. Tarzan had been on the ship for a while, this was just the only time he didn't have to make sure no one saw him.


plushiethrower March 25 2009, 22:46:04 UTC
Shiki stretched as she walked out on deck, the wind hitting her face. It'd been a while since she'd been up here and it always felt nice, especially when they were in the air.

Clutching a hand over her hat to make sure it didn't blow off, she started looking around, taking notice of all the skylife-

...wait a minute.

Was that...a man in nothing but a loincloth? Hanging from a balcony?!

For a moment Shiki just stared. She didn't think she'd seen anyone like that on the ship before, or maybe she just hadn't paid very good attention...

"Hey!" she finally exclaimed, still baffled. "What are you doing up there?"


destined_skies March 25 2009, 23:14:52 UTC
While on his way to the kitchens for a snack, Sora had discovered a door he'd never noticed before. Curious as to where it led, he'd followed a stairway up from the second floor of the ship, and discovered that the stairs ran right up into the 'ceiling', ending in a hatch with a handle on the inside.

One which apparently opened right up from the floor of the deck. "A trap door. Awesome!" the brunette mused to himself, while peeking up out of the opening at the outside. Or to be more precise, at the person standing only a few feet away.

Opening the hatch further, Sora popped his head out and blinked at the girl (what was her name again? Shirley? No, Stephanie?). And just what was she staring at?

Following her line of sight, it was then that the navigator noticed the other individual.

"Is that guy gonna jump?!"


treesurfer March 25 2009, 23:27:18 UTC
Yes, in fact, he was. Tarzan heard to two children and stared at them in confusion for a few moments. He came to a decision and jumped up and off the balcony. Skillfully and fluidly, he grabbed the robes and hard ledges on the way down until he landed in a crouch in front of them.

"Observing," Tarzan said, answering the girl's question with a grin. His face was suddenly inches from hers, taking note of all her features. Sliding back down into his crouch, he moved around both of the children, just watching them. They were different, in a way.

Tarzan pulled at the gravity-defying spikes.


plushiethrower March 26 2009, 01:07:40 UTC
Shiki hadn't thought of the possibility of the man jumping until Sora said it. In fact she almost screamed when Tarzan actually did jump but she didn't. She was too busy being awed by the way he made his way down.

"Oh?" she began, reflexively inching back just a little while he was close to her face. She watched him start to pull on Sora's locks. "Uhm...are you an actor or something?" She couldn't figure out why he was dressed like that, unless he was already getting in role for a new play or something.


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