Characters: Sun Jian and Sun Ce
Content: What can a father say when he's been out of his son's life for four years? Sun Jian and Sun Ce meet, and there are sure to be many questions.
Setting: Top deck of the Victoria II.
Time: Sunset, shortly after Sun Jian's arrival.
Warnings: Possible angst.
It was terrifying yet inevitable at the same time. )
Comments 15
He hadn't imagined in a long time that it was, but Sun Ce found himself nearly running by the time he burst out onto the top deck, his usual, casual manner forgotten as sharp eyes sought out the familiar figure standing off by himself.
His heart couldn't make up its mind whether to race out of control or to stop entirely, but whatever it decided on there, it seemed to have moved down to his stomach. Slowing to a walk, he approached the older man and tried to get a good look at his features before he spoke. After so long, he didn't want there to be any more doubt...
"Hey, old man," he said finally.
It was a casual greeting, which was not entirely unexpected. He wasn't sure where their conversation would head immediately, but first things first. "Hello, my son," he said, allowing himself a soft smile.
There was no mistaking it--this was his father, back from the dead, standing before him and smiling like he'd never been gone. How did he even start to react to that? A little part of him wanted to be angry--all those years and he hadn't even contacted Mother to let her know not to grieve? He did have some kind of clue how much everyone had missed him, right?
For the most part, though, more and more of him was being swept up in an overwhelming sense of relief. The father he and his siblings had loved and respected all their lives, who'd been stolen from everyone so soon, restored to them? How could he feel bad about that?
Grinning warmly, he clapped a hand on his father's shoulder. "Welcome back," he said, with an air of slight bewilderment. "Where have you been?"
His eye closed, his head lowering a bit. "Yuan Shao was apparently keeping all of you under close supervision. If he knew that I was still alive, it would have put all of you in grave danger."
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