Prison Blues [Open]

Feb 15, 2009 21:49

Characters: Crew of the 4423
Content: The 4423 goes to Candyland! Oh whoops, no, it's prison.
Setting: Prison/Holding cells in Berum
Time: A little while after the 4423 makes port. Early afternoon.
Warnings: None yet, but perhaps some swearing? This is a good occasion to swear.
Notes: 3 or 4 to a thread/cell please! Also, if you can, try to rp with ( Read more... )

anko mitarashi, ≠ naoto fuyumine, reno harkin, ≠ kefka palazzo, anthy himemiya, ≠ yojimbo mifune, ≠ maxim, ≠ fai d. flowright, ≠ muguruma kensei, ≠ cloud strife, shinji hirako, ≠ alfred jones, ≠ heihachi hayashida, ≠ utena tenjou, ≠ hijikata toshizou, ≠ lavi, hiruma youichi, ≠ komachi, ≠ gorobei katayama, ≠ jotaro kujo, ≠ shimada kambei, hiyori sarugaki, okita souji, ≠ allen walker, penelo galbana, jenka, ≠ wolfgangina lalla getto, dimo, ≠ noriaki kakyoin, ≠ winry rockbell

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Comments 118

Cell One electro_phoenix February 16 2009, 02:58:16 UTC
This was fucking stupid. Weapons confiscated, then the journals, and then escorted to prison. Fucking stupid.

Well, not like Reno hadn't been in prison once before.

The red head flopped down on the bed in the prison, looking at his cellmates. "So, how long d'you think we'll be in here?"


Re: Cell One causink_trouble February 16 2009, 03:16:13 UTC
As soon as she came in, Jenka looked around the cell, trying to note all the potentially useful details. Seeing in the dark helped, but there still wasn't much there. The redhead had taken the one available cot, so she slid down to the stone floor and leaned her head against the wall. She looked almost comfortable, and didn't seem particularly troubled by the situation.

She doubted anyone would come up with a useful answer to his question, but you never know - might as well start talking to the people she was stuck here with, and maybe get some information. "If dey gets on vit dis qvickly, mebbe a few days. If dey does de international diplomacy ting, could be months." She shrugged. "Hyu knows vot de captain's doink?"


Re: Cell One pharaohking February 16 2009, 03:17:46 UTC

Leaning up against the wall, hands burrowed deep in his pockets, was Shinji, looking neither pleased nor upset with their current circumstances. After all, what could he do? Yelling at the guards wasn't going to help, and that wasn't his style, anyway. Uninterested amber eyes darted over to Jenka in the poorly lit cell.

"I don't think anyone does," he retorted, voice echoing off the walls as he returned his gaze back to the wall.


Re: Cell One komachibi February 16 2009, 03:25:45 UTC
Komachi crouched on the floor near the cot, hugging her knees and staring miserably at the flagstones of the floor.

She wasn't really listening to the conversation - this whole business had mostly served to confuse her, and she was too busy being scared to unpick exactly what was going on. She only picked one word out of what Jenka said.


Cell Two onequarterdevil February 16 2009, 03:26:51 UTC
Prison fucking sucked.

Hiruma had considered just vanishing when the 4423 set down, and it was possible that he could have managed it...but too risky. They were in deep enough shit without making himself look guilty by running. Besides, his personality was far too flashy to do well on the lam.

"Fuck this place," he muttered.


Re: Cell Two penny_dancer February 16 2009, 03:30:29 UTC
Penelo sat slumped against a cell wall. "I don't normally agree with swearing," she muttered, "but I agree."

Prison was not new to Penelo--she had spent one night in the one back in Garretstown because Vaan was a moron and got her blamed for wrecking a market stall. Still, this was cold, dark, and dank. And Penelo was likely to spend more than just one night in here.


Re: Cell Two thesnakecharm February 16 2009, 03:31:48 UTC
So she wasn't toally unarmed, unlike everyone else. Anko had emptied her coat pockets of weapons, it was true, which was why it hung so light on her shoulders now. And taken off the arm sheaths. But, in the clang and clatter of her practical armory (she doubted they knew what half those things were), she had "neglected" to take out one very small weapons. Disguised as a plain old hairpin in the poof of her hair, capped, and very sharp, but no bigger than a very large needle.

It wasn't much, but it wasn't something. Enough to make her not feel as if she was marching to her execution as she held her head up high, going into the dark cell with the others. "No shit, genius," she muttered in response to Hiruma.


Re: Cell Two fanged_brat February 16 2009, 03:32:31 UTC
Hiyori seconded the 'fuck this place' sentiment. She leaned against the wall, arms crossed and a scowl deeper than her usual one on her face.

"Seriously." She said, glancing ceiling-ward with a half-assed roll of the eyes.

She'd been in some horrible places before, but this? Took the piss. She wasn't so much worried about being without her trusty sword, but it was only due to her ability to fight unarmed. She didn't like being without her zanpakuto, but she had more than just a blade at her disposal and it was, after all, something that nobody could take off her.

It was about then that she started wondering why the hell she followed Shinji to this godforsaken pirate ship, though.


Cell Three omgwtfwrench February 16 2009, 03:28:54 UTC
This all felt rather surreal. In all her life she had never been caught. Even before she started pirating and lived the life of a thief or mercenary, she had always somehow managed to get free. Certainly she'd been in rough spots before, but nothing amounted to this.

She doubted anything ever would.

Still, if someone were to look upon Winry they would notice nothing wrong. Perhaps she was a bit quieter than usual, but she managed to maintain a calm exterior, and she was certain much of this was thanks to the talk she and Naoto had had while on their way to Berum.

It had been years since she had let out on someone like that, and it had done her a world of good.

She wasn't stupid or naive; Winry still understood how dire the situation was, but she still believed they could make it out of this, and she would do everything in her power to ensure that.


Re: Cell Three fuhenteki February 16 2009, 03:34:50 UTC
The silence between himself and his fellow inmates was almost deafening. Kambei was far too quiet as he stood against the wall with his eyes closed, almost as if he was trying to meditate while being locked here within this prison. The others within his cell wore their anguish upon their faces but with the samurai, his anguish could be deciphered by his silence. If he could say a few encouraging words or two to the fellow members of crew, Kambei would have if he thought it would do them some good.

However, considering the uncertainty of their would be pointless to do so. He was sure that they all were aware of the fact they could be possibly trialed and hung for a heinous crime none of them committed, so what point would it do for him to pretend as if all shall be well?

"Hm...?" Opening his eyes slightly once he heard a guard pass by, Kambei glanced towards the steel bars of their cell with mild interest.


Re: Cell Three holdon2yourhat February 16 2009, 03:37:02 UTC
Damn, had it been a long time since Maxim had been in a prison. A really long time. He really needed to start getting into more trouble or he'd destroy his reputation.

Quite honestly, he could probably figure out how to break himself out if he really tried, but he knew that the best thing to do was submit quietly until he was given orders otherwise... as much as he wanted to rip through some throats with his bare claws.

"Zo... who vants to hear a joke?"


Re: Cell Three tripoddlove February 16 2009, 03:48:19 UTC
They had taken the tripod.

They had taken. The tripod.

Wolfina had had it under one arm when they'd frogmarched her off the ship, hoping these would treat it as an innocuous tripod like every other branch of authority tended to, but no, they'd taken it off her right before they threw her into the cell, chucking it on the pile of weapons taken off the other crewmembers and then shutting the door in her face.

She stood by the door, arms folded, murder on every feature. "Bastards," she growled at no one. "Damn militaristic bastards think they can just come and throw a whole damn ship in prison without a fair trial - this isn't justice!" She turned and bellowed out the door, "This isn't justice!", to make sure the guards were aware of her opinion, and turned back to the cold cell, glare even deeper.


Cell Four smiling_samurai February 16 2009, 03:40:55 UTC
All in all, this was not exactly how Heihachi had expected to end up in prison. He had his own closet skeletons, and if not those then there was always a chance that pirating might lead to a bad end, but to be imprisoned for the murder of a whole town? It was slightly unbelievable. Still, the fact that they weren't actually guilty had to count for something, right?

So he took a seat on the edge of one of the cots and kept his customary smile on his face. He'd made sure to say his goodbyes before his journal had been confiscated, and now all there was left to do was wait it out. No point getting upset over it.

"This isn't actually that bad," he mused aloud. "As prison cells go, at least. It could be worse."


Re: Cell Four lonewolfnwitch February 16 2009, 04:10:34 UTC
Mifune felt somewhat naked without a single weapon on him. It had been years since he could last remember going to sleep without at least one sword within easy reach.

He hoped that they would be able to get their possessions back when this was done. Replacing one sword was expensive enough.

He looked up at Heihachi from his seat on the ground and shrugged. "A prison cell is a prison cell."


Re: Cell Four 50starhero February 16 2009, 04:14:36 UTC
Alfred pressed his face against the cool bars of the cell. Obviously, he was too big to squeeze through, but on some level, the action made him feel a little better about the situation. It made it easier to think.

How had this happened? He was one of the good guys. They were all good guys. Every last one of his crew mates, right? Of course! So why…?
This was a test. Yeah, that explained it! This was a test of Faith in Justice; a test of Faith in the ability of the common man to do what was Right! Alfred could do that. He sorted this conclusion away for safe keeping behind a new formed smile as he turned around to take a look at the rest of the cell. Huh, he hadn’t really taken much notice of it since they’d gotten here, but Heihachi was right. It wasn’t so bad.

“I hear prison food is terrible though, we better be out of here by dinner time."


Re: Cell Four smiling_samurai February 16 2009, 04:34:33 UTC
"Well they could have the torture devices out on display," Heihachi pointed out reasonably to Mifune. "That would be a whole lot less pleasant."

Alfread's mention of food seemed to suddenly prompt his stomach into wakefulness. It would have been nice to have a last meal before being locked up, but he'd been too preoccupied and their not-so-friendly 'escorts' had appeared with unexpected quickness. He sighed. "That'd be nice, but I get the feeling it'll take a little longer than that. They're probably ripping apart the ship looking for any sign of that poison."

They probably didn't serve rice in prison, he thought sadly. If anything, it was going to be gruel. Yuck.


Cell Five depraedor February 16 2009, 05:39:18 UTC
Naoto glared at the guards who maneuvered them roughly into their cells, eyes all too judging and hands seemingly clutched and ready for violence. If there was something she hated more than anything it was being caged or contained and in a place like this--a cell, a prison as dim and ark as it was--proved to be a painful reminder of her own refuge long ago in the Badlands.

She slid down against the wall, landing on a cot, and frowned as a cloud of dust and dirt flew up from behind her. Resting her head on her arms she narrowed her eyes at the feeling of being without her blade, realizing that while the burden on her back was lessened, the knowledge that someone else was handling it, the only, single relic to her past, was disturbing enough to make everything else feel irrelevant.

She waited in her silence as she watched crew members she recognized pile into the prison, one behind the other, and briefly wondered if the Captain was fairing any better than the rest of them.


Re: Cell Five theschmotone February 16 2009, 06:15:47 UTC
Not a bad prison, so far. Dimo was impressed. They had many of the details down just right: little to no light, no furniture that could be broken and used to escape, solid stone walls. Good construction with very few pointy bits sticking out where they'd be accessible as weapons. Nice and cold, too.

He could see himself being able to stay here a while, for the novelty value, if nothing else. Hey! Maybe there'd even be some tasty bugs, or rats, if he was lucky!

Shying away from the light of the lanterns, he turned his eyes to the other person in the cell so far. "Ah, Naoto!" he said happily. "Vanna guess who else iz gonna be put in our cell?


Re: Cell Five goromical February 16 2009, 06:30:37 UTC
Gorobei had been humming to himself all the way to his prison cell. This pissed the guards off quite a bit, but Gorobei tried to counter their anger with more smiles and more humming. They had tied his arms behind his back, but those restraints would be gone quickly enough.

Hearing the familiar Jager voice from inside the cell he was being led to, Gorobei smiled widely and his steps lightened considerably. He was just in time to hear Dimo interacting with their other prison mate. Gorobei hadn't seen Naoto for a long time, and he was excited to talk with her as well.

"No need to guess," Gorobei said happily as he was pushed forward into the cell. "Naoto, Dimo." He acknowledged. "This will be a great time for catching up!"


Re: Cell Five depraedor February 16 2009, 06:39:49 UTC
Naoto had tensed the moment she heard a noise from the side of her and jumped from the cot, her hands in a defensive position before she also heard a familiar voice. Ah. Dimo ( ... )


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