Characters: Anyone on board the Winding Way!
Content: Joshua's left a present for Vash on the Winding Way.
Setting: The Winding Way
Time: The morning after the birthday date on the 17th.
Warnings: Chaos! Fake romances, angst and sad, oh mai. Oh, and Joshua is an ass. (note: Joshua will not be appearing in this log)
and i'll break your heart, that's fair )
Comments 61
So the fact that he passed Vash's door was totally on purpose. Finding the flowers were not. He blinked, leaning down to theread the card.
The grin on his face was pure evil.
So was the girlish squeal that floated down the halls.
That was when he happened to look down. The flowers only made him look even more surprised, and he scooped them up hastily, reading the card.
His face turned redder as he continued reading, until he'd reached the end and very nearly crumpled the card in his fist.
Vash's first thought was of seeing Ness and Joshua at the hotel last night. More unfortunately, the first thing he said was, "How could he?! That cad!"
"Oh man, that rat. Poor Ness~" He purred, winking. "I gotta tell the crew!" He hooted, taking off at a jog.
Instead, he turned around and went back to his room, and anyone passing him in the hallway would think that he was unaffected.
Or, they would think that, were it not for the tears that Ness was struggling to hold back.
He didn't even say goodbye.
L picked up a strawberry short cake he had been saving for a rainy day and headed to Ness's quarters.
First Mates were in charge of crew morale, after all.
He knocked loudly on the door.
The door was locked, and Ness had no intention of opening it whatsoever. He thought about not saying anything, but decided against it.
"...who is it?" He asked after a moment.
But he was supposed to be the First Mate now. He could handle dealing with a few adolescent issues.
"Hmm... hmm." She pushed the note out of the way, not even bothering to read what it said, and inspected the flowers. "Why would he just leave these on the floor?" Kurumi thought for a second about stealing them, but no. That cutesy shade of magenta was her colour. And they weren't even roses. No self-respecting secret heroine would throw these into the wind.
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