Characters: Anise Tatlin and Sasagawa Ryohei [closed]
Content: How Anise became an assistant cook on the Vic.
Setting: streets of Melior
Time: BACKLOGGED LIKE WHOA. Before spider attack. |D
Warnings: Extreme. And cute. EXTREME CUTE. Also, gold digging.
There's something appropriate written here when you're not looking...probably )
Comments 9
Still though, he came off that ship. She could tell he just put a list of sorts into his pocket. Did that mean he was out for supplies?
...this could be the chance she was hoping for.
He hadn't taken notice of her yet, so with her sweetest smile on she skipped over to his side.
"Need any help~?" she asked, layering the 'I'm-a-nice-sweet-helpful-girl' voice on pretty thick.
Neither knew what they were in for. Perhaps that was for the best.
"Oh!" he grinned at her, scratching at the scar on his eyebrow somewhat sheepishly, but barely. "That'd be extremely nice, actually! I've never been in this city before, to tell the truth, and I need supplies for the kitchen." Pretty much believing her intentions of actually helping him, he pulled his list out again and held it up.
"There's a lot of food, but I we need some new pans..." rubbing at his chin thoughtfully, he looked from it to Anise again.
And maybe get on that ship with you when you're done~ ♥
"Oh! I haven't introduced myself yet have I? My name's Anise, pleased to meet you! ♥"
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