Title: The Differently Animated and Queer Society
Genre: Humour, urban fantasy, romance, zombies totally are a genre
Status: Oneshot, complete
Rating: PG
Content: The differently animated, brain-flavoured cocktails, Louisa
Length: 3, 017 words
Summary: Pat's a little bit nervous about going to hir first DAAQS meeting, at least until ze gets to know
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Comments 16
This was an amusingly serious and interesting twist on gender identity (am so confused on the GNPs)/Differently Animated prejudice. Makes one think. I liked it.
JUST noticed the icon. *snickers*
Well, Frankenstein was actually the name of the creator, not the monster (sorry, I did study this in Lit) which, in a way, makes it all the more scary to think about - who's the monster, here? The person who reanimated the dead, or the dead hirself?
It's actually strange to consider the fact that vampires are romanced, idealised, and accepted as something more human than a horror villain, even being fictional. I didn't quite realise that in the same way until I found myself writing Pat and Moon's conversation...
Thank you. I'm really pleased to know it had that effect. There's more info on GNPs here, if you're interested. At the moment - there's pretty much no way to make them not confusing, and I'm not even at all sure we should try...
I really should go back and read again, it's been too long. :)
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Yes. I know. I don't get it either. I mean, the TARDIS is a police-box-shaped spaceship and timeship, how does anything else compete?
I know I gave you comments on this story elsewhere (on my LJ, I think?), but it's poor form to not come back here and do the same with some more things that really struck me. :)
Some of my favourite parts:
- the moment Pat meets Louisa, and it is a pretty name
- This: Pat had never seen a more beautiful zombie. Moon's skin was a perfect grey-blue sheen, the stitches holding hir right cheek together lovely and thick; Pat could just imagine their fibrous, textured feel under hir fingertips. Ze only wore jeans, a T-shirt, and a blazer, all in black and navy to highlight hir complexion and the blue streaks ze'd dyed through hir hair, braided and tied off with a collection of skull-shaped beads.
- zombie space explorers--enough said!
- "...or whenever suits ou because I'm that unemployed and lacking in a social existence..." *cackles*
I wanted to get away from use of the ( ... )
I had fun thinking about what zombies would find attractive on other zombies. If I ever write more than one sex scene, a zombie sex scene that actually focused on the beauty of their bodies could be a lot of fun to write - and in some ways, equally metaphoric. (I'd probably not focus on what bits are involved, just everything else.)
Yep, although 'they' is a pretty standard singular noun, now. And yeah. The writer in me would like conformity and hence accessibility, but the more I think about it, the more I think it's not needed, and kind of misses the point. I have a somewhat biased viewpoint, but I don't think it's that hard for the reader to pick up on a new pronoun set as long as its forms are consistent, and the writer pays attention to sentence structure (but you have to do that in m/m or f/f anyway...)
I think I like you, oh but I don't know what bits you have! Never mind, I ( ... )
The hir/ze did cause me to pause at first, to realise it wasn't just Pat but Moon... but when I figured out that the story flowed well and wasn't confusing.
I like the idea of them setting up their own media, Zombies in Space! PERFECT wouldn't have to pack all that bulky breathing equipment and how many films have the 'life support down' panic? someone needs to have that plunny thrown at them.
Love Louisa, the getting to know each other chat, the Zombie fashion, the everything :)
Hell, I won't deny it causes me to blink in places, and I wrote it. I'm so very glad to hear that it flowed well once you got used to it, however - thank you for letting me know!
*gets hit by a flying plunny*
I'm on it, give me a day or two!
Zombie fashion rocks, LOL!
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In an ideal world, we'd all do that. I wish I was better at it. Damn socialisation...
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