Title: The Differently Animated and Queer Society
Genre: Humour, urban fantasy, romance, zombies totally are a genre
Status: Oneshot, complete
Rating: PG
Content: The differently animated, brain-flavoured cocktails, Louisa
Length: 3, 017 words
Summary: Pat's a little bit nervous about going to hir first DAAQS meeting, at least until ze gets to know
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I had fun thinking about what zombies would find attractive on other zombies. If I ever write more than one sex scene, a zombie sex scene that actually focused on the beauty of their bodies could be a lot of fun to write - and in some ways, equally metaphoric. (I'd probably not focus on what bits are involved, just everything else.)
Yep, although 'they' is a pretty standard singular noun, now. And yeah. The writer in me would like conformity and hence accessibility, but the more I think about it, the more I think it's not needed, and kind of misses the point. I have a somewhat biased viewpoint, but I don't think it's that hard for the reader to pick up on a new pronoun set as long as its forms are consistent, and the writer pays attention to sentence structure (but you have to do that in m/m or f/f anyway...)
I think I like you, oh but I don't know what bits you have! Never mind, I shan't care! *insert sex scene, and ta-dah!* 'Will you look at that... Now I and several hundred readers can rest at ease in the knowledge of what lies between your legs
This comment is made of awesome. AWESOME. And so true. It always come back to knowing if your bits dangle or not...
I see it as a three-levelled process. Stories that are written to a ciscentric worldview in the sense that we're focusing on the reactions, experience and understanding of a cis person; stories that are written to emphasise a GQ/trans worldview in the sense that we're focusing on the lives, experience and erasure of a GQ/trans person; stories that don't have anything to do with specific GQ experience but just happen to involve a GQ character for reasons other than their gender identity. There needs to be more of the second and third (especially third, which makes even more of a point), but there's probably always going to be more of the first.
It's my intention to write something that's the third kind of story for the Zombies in Space fic, LOL. Just because I can, and exposure to different pronoun sets 'just because' is what the world needs! And then - more stories of the second and third type, because there's not enough of them, and if I can't read what I want, I need to try and write it. The muses won't let me go.
I'm glad that you think this is contributive in a good way!
Wow, thank you - again! That's immensely flattering. I always feel like I'm a bit sparse on description, so it's lovely to hear that it works!
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