i'm a hermit (duh) and adoption ... stuff

Jan 21, 2010 23:35

In news that is entirely not new and probably doesn't even merit the name "news" at this point, I'm still being a hermit. I have no words. I don't know why, I just don't. As this has been ongoing for a year or so, I don't know when to expect it to end. I've considered trying to make myself sit down and do a post a day sort of thing, even if it' ( Read more... )

life and death, lesbian babymaking

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Comments 12

childthursday January 22 2010, 12:45:07 UTC
Hi! I've missed you!

I am so happy for you as you get started with this. And excited!


thesilia January 22 2010, 16:31:17 UTC
thanks! :) i pop in and read occasionally, but i just haven't had a thing to say... i hope i can get back to it.


childthursday January 22 2010, 17:36:36 UTC
It would be really awesome if you did write about your journey to parenthood...I'm interested just because I want to know about you, but I admit to a sort of voyeuristic desire. Parenthood for Emily and I is a long way off, likely.


whatuttercrap January 22 2010, 14:51:09 UTC
Happy to hear from you!

I'm glad the adoption process is getting started.


thesilia January 22 2010, 16:32:20 UTC
thanks! :) i'm glad, too.


thewaterbaby January 22 2010, 15:18:11 UTC
Congratulations on impending motherhood ( ... )


thesilia January 22 2010, 16:30:40 UTC
thanks for your kind words and reassurance! i'm looking forward to it, but i'm sure i'll be in here angsting about whether i'm doing it "right". :) you can repeat that speech any time ( ... )


guiser1 January 22 2010, 16:26:15 UTC
Thanks for this--very, very well done.

As an adopted person, I found this perspective fascinating. And wondered what the hell my parents were doing when they decided to adopt children...

After reading this, I haven't even the tiniest doubt that you will be an extraordinary parent.

Good luck.


thesilia January 22 2010, 16:36:08 UTC
Thanks, honey! I'm glad I could share something new with you.

Have a great weekend. DC is the shiznit, though I know you already know that.


kristenred January 22 2010, 17:04:57 UTC
I want to be a reference, if such things are needed.

Because you are the type of person who struggles with decisions like this. You actually think about where to draw the lines. You walk that tricky line between wanting a child SO badly and wanting the RIGHT child for you. And still knowing that when he/she is in your arms, he/she will be right, regardless.

I just adore you and can't wait until you are a mommy.

Also - Gap Acceptance. VERY cool dynamic. Thank you for that.


thesilia January 22 2010, 20:25:12 UTC
thanks, lady! Such things will be required, and from people I'm not blood related to, no less.

Thanks for the kind words. :)

Gap Acceptance shows up in all sorts of human behaviors. I learned about it in transportation engineering class (one of the worst imaginable classes one can endure!) and it's one of the few things I took away that were useful.


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