Christmas projects/presents

Dec 27, 2007 11:28

When I was a baby, my mom made me a Christmas stocking, and I've used it my whole life. So this Christmas I decided to finally get off my butt and make Morgan one. Well, they either don't make double-sided quilted material (what mine is made out of) in Christmas patterns anymore, or it was completely sold out by the time we got to the store (not too likely). Mom was able to find some that had sailboats on one side and rainbow stripes on the other, so she picked that up to make stockings for herself and her husband ('cause they live on a boat). But for Morgan's we makeshifted, and found some cute Christmas cotton, and then single-sided quilted material to complement, and basically made two stockings and put the quilted one inside the cotton one and folded it down like a cuff. I think that worked out well. Morgan's foot turned out way better than mine.

So while I was making Morgan's, mom was doing hers, only the first one she made she did upside-down (sorry no picture), and both of us managed not to realize it until it was completely done. So otherwise it's a perfectly good stocking, just with upside-down sailboats. We both laughed for a good five minutes; both of us (but especially her) should know by now to always double-check the direction of the pattern. I said it would be a prefect thing for a white elephant gift exchange or something, but she said that goofy upside-down boats actually suited her (which I didn't feel bad agreeing with).

Also while I was at it, I decided to make one for Alan and surprise him with it Christmas morning. Apparently his family uses pillowcases, but that just won't do. Mom in turn surprised _me_ Christmas morning by making me one to match Alan's, which was something we talked about while making the others, but decided could wait until next year due to time constraints. Thanks, mom!
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