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Comments 3362

Godot | Ace Attorney | 1/4 | /breaks in shiny new app page amargo_sombra February 21 2011, 10:16:24 UTC
Name: Nao
Livejournal Username: scribblenautics
E-mail: NaokoYouko@msn.com
AIM/MSN: f0xh0undvix3n
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: Otacon | philanthrotaku, Touya | usediceshard, The Eleventh Doctor | usediceshard, Lancer | solas_ion

Name: Godot / Diego Armando
Series: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: That One With All The Colons
Timeline: Near the end of Case 3-5.
Canon Resource Links: Ace Attorney Wiki

Affiliation: Trainer.


Godot | Ace Attorney | 2/4 amargo_sombra February 21 2011, 10:17:59 UTC
Personality: To say the least, Godot is a mysterious individual. He often speaks in cryptic metaphors which are generally coffee-related. Nothing is known about him on first appearance, and though he claims to never have lost a case, it's soon discovered that the reason is because he hadn't prosecuted a single one before the events of The Stolen Turnabout. Despite this fact, he is arrogant and smug when facing Phoenix in court. Godot taunts him often due to his own deep-seated and misplaced grudges, persistently referring to him as 'Trite' and on occasion goes so far as to throw a full cup of coffee at Phoenix's head ( ... )


Godot | Ace Attorney | 3/4 amargo_sombra February 21 2011, 10:19:57 UTC
Starter: Scyther, 'Kahve'.

Password: Seasalt ice cream.

(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)

First Person Sample: I hadn't expected a partner so hard to deal with.

[The video shows Godot at a small table at the Pokemon Center with a pile of empty coffee cups beside him. Another is in his hand, this one a little less than half-filled.]

It's attacked me at every possible turn. And even worse, no one seems to know how to make a good cup of coffee. Disgraceful.

[In his mind, those priorities were perfectly in order.]

And on a disgraceful note, I'm wondering about the state of the justice system in this place...or the lack thereof. There's a certain excuse for an attorney I doubt would take that quietly.

So where can I find someone calling himself Phoenix Wright?


Godot | Ace Attorney | 4/4 | this page is mine in the name of toasters amargo_sombra February 21 2011, 10:21:10 UTC
Third Person Sample: “Sssscyther!”

A giant praying mantis with knives for arms was not what he expected to be greeted by outside the house that was allegedly his. An angry giant praying mantis with knives for arms, even less so.

“Ha...! Are you just going to stand there and hiss at me?” This had gone on for the past few minutes, the prosecutor regarding his new partner with little more than a smirk. The Scyther hissed its name again, eyes locked with that of its trainer.

Or rather, locked on the device on its trainer's face. Because as some people might have known, Scyther was one species that was driven berserk by the color red-in particular, the three lights on said trainer's visor.

“A real man should be able to back up his words.” Godot remarked to the inexplicably enraged Scyther. “That's one of my rules.”

“Scy...scyther!” The insect lunged at his trainer, bladed arm flashing out to strike at his face...only to bury itself in the tree that Godot had been standing in front of before moving a step to the right ( ... )


Guybrush Threepwood | Monkey Island | Reserved | 1/? blizaga_kururu February 21 2011, 23:24:09 UTC
Name: Kururu
Livejournal Username: blizaga_kururu
E-mail: firion2j@gmail.com
AIM/MSN: aim @ vinciolol
Timezone: +10, as it's always been.
Current Characters in Route: awesome_scott psychunaut usedsupersonic usespoonybard


Guybrush Threepwood | Monkey Island | Reserved | 2/? blizaga_kururu February 21 2011, 23:24:52 UTC
Name: Guybrush Threepwood
Series: Monkey Island
Timeline: About a year after the first game, Secret of Monkey Island. WHAT"THIS"MEANS?
Elaine just broke up with him -- like, the night before. As such, he's going to be confused -- and also semi-assume that Johto is in the same world as the Tri-Island area (she had power, you know?) and that's why he wants a boat, at first. He always wants to travel anyhow, you know?
Canon Resource Links:
Monkey Island Wiki
Tv Tropes

NOTE: The timeline which I'm using is headcanoned since there's no official timeline -- I assume it was two years between the first and second games, due to evidence shown in the games. In the second game, it's mentioned he's 19, in the third game, it's been three months since then (and Guybrush is now 20), then another three months before the fourth game, seven years until Tales of Monkey Island -- and, in Tales, it's mentioned it's been about 10 years since Guybrush started his adventure. So, um, yeah.

Affiliation: Mighty Trainer.


Guybrush Threepwood | Monkey Island | Reserved | 3/? blizaga_kururu February 21 2011, 23:25:47 UTC
Personality: My Guybrush Threepwood comes from an unknown place from his canon -- the years between the first and second games. As such, he's between two different personalities right now -- between being a naive wannabe pirate with nothing to lost, and a jerk pirate with nothing left. As such, he's a mix of the two, and I hope to explain how ( ... )


Guybrush Threepwood | Monkey Island | Reserved | 4/5? blizaga_kururu February 21 2011, 23:26:46 UTC
Strengths/Weaknesses+ Guybrush knows how to rough it -- he's used to traveling in the seas, and living that way. Johto? Psh, no problems. He's also rather fit and strong ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

ACCEPTED! these_balls February 27 2011, 05:03:02 UTC

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Pokemon!
Congratulations, you have a fun and exciting adventure awaiting you.

Now that you've been accepted...
[○] Respond to this with your character's journal. This is a must!
[○] Comment in the Taken Characters post, alphabetized by series: # thru H, I thru R, or S thru Z.
[○] Comment to the Friend Add/Remove, and update your friends list.
[○] Join the following communities: route-29, route_006, route_1065.
Note! You will not be accepted to the main or logs community until you've commented in the aforementioned places.
[○] If you reserved, please let us know that they've been accepted.
[○] Please make sure to check this week's weather!
[○] Route 29 has an optional spam/meme community; it's slowpoke_gif!

Thank you! See you in Johto!


Flonne | Disgaea | 1/2? keltenaasule February 22 2011, 03:45:13 UTC
Name: Keltena
Livejournal Username: ”keltenaasule”
E-mail: salamander153@gmail.com
AIM/MSN: moonshadow1011/salamander153@gmail.com
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: None (though I used to play this angel here)

Name: Flonne
Series: Disgaea
Timeline: End of Episode 10 (“Angels, Demons, and Humans”)
Canon Resource Links: Flonne on the Disgaea Wiki

Affiliation: Trainer

Personality: Flonne is cheerful, optimistic, and takes great joy in little things like flowers and birds, as well as big ideas like love and kindness. On the note of the latter, she is practically obsessed with love, believing that it is the most important and powerful force in the world, and arguing vehemently with anyone who dismisses or insults it, something which earns her the nickname of 'Love Freak ( ... )


Flonne | Disgaea | 2/2 keltenaasule February 22 2011, 03:45:55 UTC
Starter: She still has her Togepi (M, lv. 8)

Password: Seasalt icecream


First Person Sample: [As the PokeGear turns on, the first thing that can be heard is a girl’s voice humming along with the background music. There are sounds of something brushing against the microphone, likely her fumbling with the device, and then the humming stops and she speaks.]

Hi, everyone! Um, I’m Flonne! Does anyone remember me? I remember being here... It looks like it’s winter now, though... I wonder how much time has passed?

[Faint sounds can be heard; she’s doing something, but it’s not clear what. Then she gasps.] Oh no! I... Um, has anybody seen a Ledyba? It’s important! Mine is gone!

[There’s a pause; then, more to herself:] I wonder where she could have gone... I hope no one else caught her...

[Then her voice is back to mostly bright.] Oh, if anyone’s going to Cherrygrove City, maybe we could travel together! I’m back in New Bark again... Well, that’s all! Bye!

Third Person Sample: Flonne’s morning so far had been rushed, ( ... )


ACCEPTED! these_balls February 27 2011, 06:02:18 UTC

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Pokemon!
Congratulations, you have a fun and exciting adventure awaiting you.

Now that you've been accepted...
[○] Respond to this with your character's journal. This is a must!
[○] Comment in the Taken Characters post, alphabetized by series: # thru H, I thru R, or S thru Z.
[○] Comment to the Friend Add/Remove, and update your friends list.
[○] Join the following communities: route-29, route_006, route_1065.
Note! You will not be accepted to the main or logs community until you've commented in the aforementioned places.
[○] If you reserved, please let us know that they've been accepted.
[○] Please make sure to check this week's weather!
[○] Route 29 has an optional spam/meme community; it's slowpoke_gif!

Thank you! See you in Johto!


celestial_ninja February 27 2011, 17:44:13 UTC
Nin nin nin!


Aoko Nakamori | Reserved | Part 1/2 miyaka_kitsune February 23 2011, 01:29:46 UTC
Name: Erin
Livejournal Username: miyaka_kistune
E-mail: miyakakisuna@yahoo.com
AIM/MSN: none
Timezone: PST
Current Characters in Route: Shiho Miyano

Name: Aoko Nakamori
Series: Detective Conan/Magic Kaito
Timeline: Chapter 27 of Magic Kaito
Canon Resource Links: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Aoko_Nakamori

Note: Aoko isn't a very popular character, so it's hard to find information about her. A lot of websites had the same information over and over, but if more is needed, just say so.

Personality: Aoko is a seventeen year old girl, and is usually a calm and sweet person, but when Kaito does something perverted annoys her, she gets extremely angry, and tries to beat him up, often with whatever is nearby, and try to hit him with it. When he does make her angry, she usually winds up getting revenge by scaring him with fish. Although they have been friends ever since they were children, they get into fights very often. She ( ... )


Aoko Nakamori | Reserved | Part 2/2 miyaka_kitsune February 23 2011, 02:39:08 UTC
Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter: Cleffa, female, nicknamed Moonlight
Password: Seasalt ice cream

First Person Sample: [As the feed turns on, the sound of rapid button-pressing is heard.] Wait, does that button.... no, this is... um...man, this is the weirdest phone I've ever seen! Wait! I think it's working.

[It turned to a video, and a tall girl with long, dark hair is seen on the other side. She looks pretty annoyed.] Kaito!!!!! If this is another one of your stupid magic tricks, you'd better cut it out RIGHT NOW! I don't even know how you managed to come up with all this stuff! I mean, what is this little pink thing? This weird...... device called it a "Pokemon", but what is a Pokemon?

Clef! Cleffaaaa!

[A very perplexed look comes on her face. Could he really have come up with something so good?]

Oh man...... what if I really did get transported to another world? And dad can't do so well on his own....... This isn't good ( ... )


PENDING these_balls February 27 2011, 06:03:32 UTC
Before we make our final decision on your application, we would like a revised third person sample. The one provided didn't give us a good feel of Aoko's personality, and read much like a piece of fanfiction. You will have one week to complete these requests before the character is available again.


Third Person redo miyaka_kitsune February 27 2011, 06:41:38 UTC
As Aoko looked around the unfamiliar landscape, she wondered exactly where she was. It didn't look like Tokyo, and she was a little worried that something bad had happened. And the little pink creature behind her was something she had never seen before.
"Wh-what is this place? And what's with the music? This really doesn't look like Tokyo. And who the hell was that lady back there!?!? She was definitely not my mom ( ... )


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