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Flonne | Disgaea | 1/2? keltenaasule February 22 2011, 03:45:13 UTC
Name: Keltena
Livejournal Username: ”keltenaasule”
E-mail: salamander153@gmail.com
AIM/MSN: moonshadow1011/salamander153@gmail.com
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: None (though I used to play this angel here)

Name: Flonne
Series: Disgaea
Timeline: End of Episode 10 (“Angels, Demons, and Humans”)
Canon Resource Links: Flonne on the Disgaea Wiki

Affiliation: Trainer

Personality: Flonne is cheerful, optimistic, and takes great joy in little things like flowers and birds, as well as big ideas like love and kindness. On the note of the latter, she is practically obsessed with love, believing that it is the most important and powerful force in the world, and arguing vehemently with anyone who dismisses or insults it, something which earns her the nickname of 'Love Freak'.

She is also usually quite naive and innocent, and can be a bit ditzy at times. However, she is very perceptive, picking up quickly on things such as Laharl's changes in character. She holds very strongly to her beliefs, refusing, for example, to let anyone shake her faith in the power of love. This leads to her, surprisingly, having a bit of ability in making convincing speeches: she states her observations honestly and matter-of-factly. Not that there's much call for her to make speeches or anything usually, but anyway.

Despite her generally pleasant and happy demeanor, Flonne is capable of being angered, or at least rather ticked off. When truly angry, she can be a little bit scary. She can also be scary when she is being an obsessive fangirl, as she is of many things - e.g., superheroes.

Strengths/Weaknesses:Flonne is highly determined to the point of being stubborn, particularly when it comes to things she cares about, and she has the bravery to follow through even when she's doing something that scares, worries, or otherwise unsettles her. She's Neutral Good to the core, and is sweet and generous enough to help out anyone in need... or anyone that she thinks is in need, even. Flonne also has a natural talent for bringing out the best in people due to her sincere, good-natured self and adamant refusal to give up on anyone, no matter how mean or even evil they may seem.

This can, however, backfire; Flonne believes so strongly that everyone is good deep down that she has a tendency not to judge as harshly as she should by their actions. She is naive and can be overly trusting or relatively easily tricked, and her ditziness can be overwhelming at times; sometimes, she just doesn't get the point. Finally, she can be irrational when she is honestly and truly angered, and tends toward destructive behavior at those times.


Flonne | Disgaea | 2/2 keltenaasule February 22 2011, 03:45:55 UTC
Starter: She still has her Togepi (M, lv. 8)

Password: Seasalt icecream


First Person Sample: [As the PokeGear turns on, the first thing that can be heard is a girl’s voice humming along with the background music. There are sounds of something brushing against the microphone, likely her fumbling with the device, and then the humming stops and she speaks.]

Hi, everyone! Um, I’m Flonne! Does anyone remember me? I remember being here... It looks like it’s winter now, though... I wonder how much time has passed?

[Faint sounds can be heard; she’s doing something, but it’s not clear what. Then she gasps.] Oh no! I... Um, has anybody seen a Ledyba? It’s important! Mine is gone!

[There’s a pause; then, more to herself:] I wonder where she could have gone... I hope no one else caught her...

[Then her voice is back to mostly bright.] Oh, if anyone’s going to Cherrygrove City, maybe we could travel together! I’m back in New Bark again... Well, that’s all! Bye!

Third Person Sample: Flonne’s morning so far had been rushed, confusing, and eerily familiar. From being yanked out of bed at the break of dawn to having a mother she'd only seen before once in her life, the first few hours played out like the beginning of a story -- specifically, a story Flonne had already experienced.

“Um...! But I already have a Pokemon!”

The nice lady shook her head dismissively. “No you don’t, honey, now here’s your coat and your new Pokedex, and hurry or you’ll be late.”


Flonne’s words stopped at the door, closed behind her. She sighed, slumping. “But I already got my starter Pokemon... What happened to him?” With little other option, the angel trainee looked around at her surroundings, feeling a strong sense of deja vu. “Maybe if I show the Professor my Pokedex, he’ll understand.” Flonne flipped the device open carefully, scanning through the pages, only to find...

She gasped. “It... It’s all gone!” Indeed, the Pokedex was all but empty: pages and pages of data waiting to be filled in... again. Flonne bit her lip, staring at the blank screen. “I don’t get it... I’m sure I saved...”

Then the screen flickered to life, and Flonne immediately looked at it. One Pokemon, in over two hundred, was filled in. ”Togepi, the Spike Ball Pokemon,” the device began. Flonne went to the next page, and the one after, but the rest were blank. Feeling a little dazed, she put away the Pokedex slowly.

“I guess there’s no choice...”

Ten minutes later, Flonne was walking outside Professor Elm’s laboratory with a Pokeball held in her hands. “If only he believed me... I don’t want to start over...” Eyes downcast, she stopped at the edge of the town. “Let’s see what kind of Pokemon I got this time.”

Flonne pressed the button on the center of the ball. A flash of light, and then a small form was standing before her. Flonne gasped, this time in delight.

“Togepi! You’re still here!” She rushed forward to scoop the little Pokemon into her arms, cradling it against her with a smile. “Thank goodness... I was afraid I’d never see you again!”

The little creature nuzzled Flonne’s neck amiably. Flonne held it at arm’s length, taking the sight in, before placing it on her shoulder.

“There, now that we’ve found each other, we can get back to our journey.” Facing the long route in front of her, Flonne steeled herself for the trials ahead. “Let’s go, Togepi! We can still be the greatest Pokemon Masters of all time, if we hurry!”


ACCEPTED! these_balls February 27 2011, 06:02:18 UTC

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celestial_ninja February 27 2011, 17:44:13 UTC
Nin nin nin!


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