It's only been 7 months

Jul 20, 2015 21:08

You know, I feel like I use LJ more than I actually do, because I do come and look at my flist pretty regularly, I just almost never comment and obviously, I haven't posted since December. Whoops ( Read more... )

cat stuff, pekoe, doll yappy yap, personal

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Comments 8

kogata July 21 2015, 01:57:08 UTC
Heh, I haven't posted anything to LJ in ages, although I do check my flist regularly. ^^; Do miss seeing your gorgeous doll photos here though.

Awww… I would love to take your lovely boys off your hands, but for the lack of funds. T__T I've stopped buying stuff for my crew online and have even experimented with making my own fur wigs. ^^; Best of luck for your sales though!

Losing a pet is especially hard. :( I still haven't wanted to get another dog since mine died 5 years ago. (Which is why I got a tortoise - they live longer. ^^ Although she might outlive me… Uh… yeah.)


thesaraghina July 21 2015, 21:12:52 UTC
I still wish LJ wasn't so un-used for doll things these days, but since there are a decent number of people over on Flickr, sometimes posting here just feels redundant! I'll try to get some pics up in a photodump post though, I just haven't been into it lately. >_<

There's a general shortage of doll-funds lately! I feel like I might play with them more if I could buy them more things. But it's harder and harder to find SD13 size stuff now, too. T_T;

Oh, it's always so hard to lose a pet. T_T But Shellock is a cutie! I'm still thinking about getting an aquarium, but living in an apartment makes pet choices limited, so I'll just stick with my kitty for now.


kogata July 22 2015, 02:59:00 UTC
Actually I think aquariums are very suitable for apartments. Haha. They just take up a little corner of the room and are fun to look at occasionally. :) I have a tiny bowl with some shrimp at my work desk and another larger bowl with marimo (moss balls). They actually require very little maintenance. Just changing water once in a while. ^^ Fish are a bit more troublesome since they need a filter, daily feeding and weekly water changes.

But anyway, having more pets will take up more of your dolly time so it's ok not to have them. :P One of the reasons why I like dolls is that they won't grumble and you can leave them aside until you feel like playing with them. ^^


eluneth July 21 2015, 14:54:38 UTC
Man, I have so much nostalgia for both F16's and Illness Illusion, I'm daydreaming about taking Graeves home, though I'm a horrible BJD owner nowadays. (I haven't played with my own dolls for literally years, though I still love them.)

So sorry about your cat; hope you and Kona give each other lots of love in the coming month.


thesaraghina July 21 2015, 21:21:43 UTC
I think I feel less bad when I'm not playing with all of them, as opposed to only not playing with some of them! Dolls are hard. T_T I was thinking of listing him for $600 (head+body) though, if you're interested! Still a little on the fence, but I'd rather have a place to send him than decide to list and watch him sit on the MP forever. Sigh!

Thanks, it's still very sad. Kona is a cuddlebug though, and even more so now, so I make sure to give/receive lots of snuggles to/from her!


nikittin July 26 2015, 21:21:17 UTC
Lovely to see you 'round these parts, missy! Once in a while I'll get off my bum and post photos, but LJ's not the BJD community it once was, and I prefer to stay away from FB, flickr, and the like.

Sorry to hear about Pekoe. 😞 Poor you, and Kona. Healing thoughts to both of you. <3 I have three kitties at home now, and life is just better with felines!

Don't envy your upcoming possible sales. Dolls seem to languish on the marketplace. There's just SO many options nowadays. It's tough to get your money back, unless you're unloading a doll on the very short list of exceptions. I wish you luck, and hope they go to deserving homes. The four you're thinking of selling are all very pretty, so here's hoping!

Will you be going to the Volks tea party? It'd be nice to finally meet you, after all these years! 😊


thesaraghina August 1 2015, 17:37:11 UTC
Haha, why thank you! XD Ah, LJ has sadly fallen out of favor for dollies! :( I think most people are at tumblr these days, and that place just seems like such a cesspit that I have zero desire to even try to start going there. Sigh ( ... )


fastfeetnella July 27 2015, 20:01:47 UTC
Best of luck with the sales.


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