It's only been 7 months

Jul 20, 2015 21:08

You know, I feel like I use LJ more than I actually do, because I do come and look at my flist pretty regularly, I just almost never comment and obviously, I haven't posted since December. Whoops.

Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of good stuff to say. I've taken and posted a bunch of photos over on flickr, but not as many as really should've occupied 7 months worth.

I sold my Switch Soseo, I've had both Andres and Darcy up for sale for ages with no luck, though I did wipe Darcy's faceup a little while back, since it was so damaged and his sealant was yellowed.

I'm thinking of selling Graeves, Chaz, and Ichi. I feel bad that I don't play with them, yet I still have little to no desire to actually change that. I'd offered Leonidas to someone, but I don't think he's gonna sell either.

I did get two new dolls earlier this year, both are an artist sculpt, Adrian by Kanadoll. I made them into girl/boy twins, and painted them myself, but I want to get them painted by someone who's actually good at painting whenever I can.

Outside of dolls, I've been having a hard time lately. My dog, who injured himself last October, then had surgery at the end of December, still isn't working. He was splinted for 3 months after surgery, then slow recovery started. I'd gotten him building strength back up, but the plate in his leg was causing him pain, so he just had that removed at the beginning of June. Then all went to hell, and the fused joint started moving again, and he's back in a splint yet again. Right now, I am ready to just get a new dog, if they decide that's what needs to happen. I'm sick of all this non-work I'm doing, and it really drains me, mentally, to constantly worry about the fate of my dog and doing my job. (I do still work, but it's just inspection without the dog handling aspect.)

Then, the worst thing, my poor kitty Pekoe got cancer in her liver. When I found out, it was already too late to do anything, and it expanded rapidly. She lived for 3 weeks after her diagnosis, and then she stopped eating, and I had her put to sleep. It broke my heart, and I still have the occasional bawling session. Kona is lonely, and is even more affectionate, but I don't think I'll get another cat any time soon. I miss my little grey kitty. :(

Besides all that, I took some time off last week, without the dog (I boarded him at the vet) to get my mind in order, and I really needed it. Having the dog at home with me while he's injured means working 7 days a week. Since October last year. It was really nice to just stay at home with Kona, cook some fun foods, and then I even took a snorkeling trip a little ways down in the Keys. I'm back to more or less normal at the moment, if just less chatty on flickr and instagram, and somewhat on twitter. It'll take a little while to really get over losing my kitty, I know.

Well, I was going to post some pictures, but this post ended up being about other stuff more than dolls, so I think I'll wait. Bye bye!

cat stuff, pekoe, doll yappy yap, personal

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