T'was the night before Christmas...

Dec 24, 2010 21:50

And all through the Sanctuary,
Not a creature was stirring,
Except all the Abnormals on the way to the party...

Yes, it's Christmas Eve in the Sanctuary and there's a party ready to celebrate. Chat, drink, eat and be merry. Just be careful what you do under that mistletoe ;)

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Comments 2891

morgana_l_f December 24 2010, 21:55:01 UTC
Morgana had just finished bringing the last of the wine up from the cellar. Not the best stuff, but she had persuaded Helen to part with a generous number of bottles of mid-range goodness. They needed a break she'd reasoned and, after all the trouble of the last few months, the chance to unwind would be most welcome.

She'd put a lot of effort into organising the party, finding it a relief somehow to be concentrating on something so relatively mundane. And she had certainly got into the spirit of things; she was even wearing a Santa hat.

There may be a little mistletoe hidden about her person too. Something to remind Nikola that it was their first anniversary.


nikolat3sla December 25 2010, 07:41:16 UTC
"Very festive..." Nikola announced his presence with an amused nod to the Santa hat on his lady.

He had made an effort too - a crimson best hiding under his jacket and a green cravat settled on top. It was as festive as Nikola Tesla got - unless he'd had a little bit too much scotch.

He had already said, 'Merry Christmas' this morning to her, as only a misbehaving vampire could, but they were yet to exchange presents - something Nikola had decided to wait until after the party for.

Part of him could not believe it, this time last year was the first time that they had kissed.


morgana_l_f December 25 2010, 09:52:30 UTC
Morgana beamed a happy smile up at him, content and pleased with how the day was going. Teasingly, she brought out a sprig of mistletoe and held it out.

"Would you permit me for the sake of the season Dr Tesla?" she asked.

Just how it had all started.


nikolat3sla December 25 2010, 10:01:12 UTC
Nikola lofted his eyebrow at her, just as he had done before.

"You bring your own mistletoe, Ms Le Fay?"


freestyle_one December 24 2010, 23:25:56 UTC
Kate had firmly planted herself next to the punch bowl. Firstly, because she wasn't especially social, and things were still a bit tense in the area. On the other hand, now that she'd gotten back to actually eating the snack table spread was very tempting. Shrimp and champagne could cure a lot of ills, and since this was pretty much her first Christmas party in anything resembling recent memory...well, why not.

She'd put enough weight back on to feel comfortable in something appropriately slinky. She wasn't quite in the frame of mind to try and initiate any smalltalk, and was only attending out of some urgent prodding from parties that will not be name. For the moment she was content to watch everyone move around her.


nikolat3sla December 25 2010, 07:43:50 UTC
Nikola was getting into the punch after finishing another bottle of wine. Apparantly he had to 'pace himself' - which meant finding another source of alcohol for a while.

Ms Freelander was currently protecting the punch bowel, looking a lot better than the last time that he had seen her.

He approached warily, but only because he was not sure how he would be received.

"Merry Christmas..." he started, choosing the cliche festive ice-breaker.


freestyle_one December 25 2010, 16:44:22 UTC
Kate glanced up quickly at the sudden voice, eyes falling onto the familiar form of one Nikola Tesla. She paused for a moment, but hey? It was Christmas, right, new beginnings and good cheer and all that crap.

"You too", she said carefully, adding a flicker of a smile out of formality rather than comfort. Their paths had hardly crossed since she'd been brought back in a little over a month ago. She still wasn't sure where they stood.


nikolat3sla December 25 2010, 19:39:30 UTC
"Careful with the punch," he warned her. "Magnus always slips a little something extra in it to make sure that everyone has a good time."

She'd accidentally slipped a little too much into it once, resulting in the ruination of many repuations.


mjohndruitt December 25 2010, 02:14:41 UTC
John slipped quietly into the back of the party, heading to the food table to fill a plate and then to a quiet corner to watch the others. This could prove entertaining.


nikolat3sla December 25 2010, 07:45:25 UTC
Nikola was glaring at John from across the room. He shouldn't be here, murderous little...

It's Christmas, Nikola - don't make a fuss... he kept reminding himself.


mjohndruitt December 25 2010, 13:28:31 UTC
John caught Nikola staring at him from across the room. He lifted his glass of wine in silent toast. It was t'was the season and all that.


nikolat3sla December 25 2010, 19:45:34 UTC
Nikola would not toast him. He just swirled his wine around and continued to glare with one of his, 'one day - I will kill you' looks.

If he was not Ashley's father and Helen's lover then perhaps Nikola would have had a better go at it before.


nikolat3sla December 25 2010, 07:36:00 UTC
Nikola has hunted out his favourite armchair - as is customary - and is seated in the high-backed, Gothic creation calmly sipping a glass of wine. There are people rushing everywhere but he much prefers to quietly watch, enjoying the festive atmosphere.

It is snowing outside the enourmous windows. Rather large flakes are falling silently against the glass before spinning off to find somewhere to land. He smiles faintly, this is just like home.


sourceprogeny December 25 2010, 17:12:27 UTC
"You look at home there," Ashley grinned as she came over, all dressed up and looking every part of the young Magnus woman that she was.


nikolat3sla December 25 2010, 19:35:44 UTC
Nikola ran his eyes slowly from her shoes to hair as was only right when a lady walked up dressed to kill - he only hoped that she wasn't here to make good on her threat to sell him on the black market for a profit.

"Good evening, Ms Magnus," he smiled, his wine already half finished.

She looked a great deal like her mother back in the 1800's - something about the blond hair.


sourceprogeny December 25 2010, 19:42:46 UTC
She may look like her mother but she wasn't necessarily dressed like her.

"Happy Chirstmas," she smiled back at him with her glass of wine in her hand.


sourceprogeny December 25 2010, 17:33:49 UTC
Ashley had always loved Christmas and since growing up, she has always loved dressing up for the parties that were thrown within the Sanctuary or the Sanctuaries around the world that hosted it that year. It was the one here and the ones in London that she was always the most excited about going to.

This year was no different. She had found a dress to wear and delighted in getting ready for the party. She hoped a certain gentleman there would appreciate it.

After a final spritz of perfume, she headed down to the hall in a party dress that she thought she fitting and yet complimentary to her personality. She was also grateful that the former wound on her leg wasn't too noticeable considering the dress showed most of her thigh.


dr_macrae December 26 2010, 03:00:52 UTC
Declan made his way to the party a bit later than he intended, having stopped off to shower and dress in a dark suit and pinstriped shirt, electing to do without the tie. Surely Magnus would forgive him just this once.

He moved down the steps and into the hall, his eyes sweeping the crowd before they stopped on the woman he loved. His lips turned up into a wide grin and he slipped smoothly through the crowd until he pulled up in front of her.

"Hey, beautiful," he grinned, one hand going to her elbow as he bent in to kiss her cheek. "You look incredible."


sourceprogeny December 26 2010, 03:05:19 UTC
She wondered whose hand had met her arm but that was quickly answered as only one man did that. The man that she loved. Ashley turned around with a smile on her face...a smile that grew in brightness when she saw how incredible he looked in his suit.

"Hey," she grinned. "Look at you, Double-oh-Seven."


dr_macrae December 29 2010, 00:33:22 UTC
"Nah," he murmured, giving her a quick once-over that took in every inch of her, from the high heels all the way up to the way the tiny dress fit her perfectly. "You, on the other hand...are quite worthy of Bond himself. That dress suits you."

He gives her a playful grin.

"I'd best be on my guard...he's not about to come down those steps, is he?"


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