(meet and greet, Doctor Montgomery)

Oct 06, 2009 14:59

A young man peers around the door of Doctor Montgomery's office, tapping on the door frame. "Doctor Montgomery? Will Zimmerman; I'm a colleague of Doctor Magnus'. I was in the neighborhood on business and thought it would be polite to stop in and introduce myself." With a smile that makes him look distinctly pre-adolescent, he waves, not entering ( Read more... )

nudge: montgomery, ic

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Comments 20

dra_montgomery October 6 2009, 19:46:43 UTC
Addison was in her office, reading some patient files. They were sure exciting things to read, because she didn't notice anyone on her office's doorframe until they introducted themself. She turns to him and smiles back "Oh, hello Mr, or is it doctor Zimmerman? I'm Addison Montgomery, as you already seem to know. It's nice to meet you, i haven't had the time to inroduct myslef properly, i've been pretty swamped with these patient files" she says, pointing at the pile of files sitting on her desk. Then she comes to Will and offers a hand at him.


w_zimmerman October 6 2009, 19:50:45 UTC
He smiles and shakes her hand. "It's 'doctor' but Will is just fine; it's what everyone calls me." He grins towards the stack of files. "No rest for the wicked, huh? I sometimes swear the whole of medical school was less about teaching us medicine than it was about culling out the people who actually require more than three hours of sleep in a given week."


dra_montgomery October 6 2009, 19:59:12 UTC
She laughs at his comment about sleep. It was her what.. only 17th hour up with a short nap. "No rest for the wicked indeed, and Will it is then. Feel free to call me Addison" she says and smiles and then looks again at the files "That is very true, and here I thought i had seen some pretty interesting cases in my career, but these are just.. can I say out of this world?" she chuckles and steps aside so Will can enter her office instead of the doorframe.


w_zimmerman October 6 2009, 20:03:13 UTC
"Nice to meet you, Addison." Will grins and enters the office, 'casually' looking around. "Out of this world is certainly one term for it," he agrees. "Magnus told me before she brought me into this 'you're about to leave the world you know behind' and that pretty well sums it up."

He yawns and rubs his neck, smile fading slightly as he does but returning quickly as he indicates the files again. "Anything there we might be able to offer you some insight on?"


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