(meet and greet, Doctor Montgomery)

Oct 06, 2009 14:59

A young man peers around the door of Doctor Montgomery's office, tapping on the door frame. "Doctor Montgomery? Will Zimmerman; I'm a colleague of Doctor Magnus'. I was in the neighborhood on business and thought it would be polite to stop in and introduce myself." With a smile that makes him look distinctly pre-adolescent, he waves, not entering ( Read more... )

nudge: montgomery, ic

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dra_montgomery October 6 2009, 19:46:43 UTC
Addison was in her office, reading some patient files. They were sure exciting things to read, because she didn't notice anyone on her office's doorframe until they introducted themself. She turns to him and smiles back "Oh, hello Mr, or is it doctor Zimmerman? I'm Addison Montgomery, as you already seem to know. It's nice to meet you, i haven't had the time to inroduct myslef properly, i've been pretty swamped with these patient files" she says, pointing at the pile of files sitting on her desk. Then she comes to Will and offers a hand at him.


w_zimmerman October 6 2009, 19:50:45 UTC
He smiles and shakes her hand. "It's 'doctor' but Will is just fine; it's what everyone calls me." He grins towards the stack of files. "No rest for the wicked, huh? I sometimes swear the whole of medical school was less about teaching us medicine than it was about culling out the people who actually require more than three hours of sleep in a given week."


dra_montgomery October 6 2009, 19:59:12 UTC
She laughs at his comment about sleep. It was her what.. only 17th hour up with a short nap. "No rest for the wicked indeed, and Will it is then. Feel free to call me Addison" she says and smiles and then looks again at the files "That is very true, and here I thought i had seen some pretty interesting cases in my career, but these are just.. can I say out of this world?" she chuckles and steps aside so Will can enter her office instead of the doorframe.


w_zimmerman October 6 2009, 20:03:13 UTC
"Nice to meet you, Addison." Will grins and enters the office, 'casually' looking around. "Out of this world is certainly one term for it," he agrees. "Magnus told me before she brought me into this 'you're about to leave the world you know behind' and that pretty well sums it up."

He yawns and rubs his neck, smile fading slightly as he does but returning quickly as he indicates the files again. "Anything there we might be able to offer you some insight on?"


dra_montgomery October 8 2009, 08:56:57 UTC
"You are right, that's pretty much the thing going on right here. Some things in here just blows my mind away!" she says, looking at Will, rubbing his neck. Addison wonders when was the last time he's gotten a good night sleep. Something tells her not in a long while. "Oh, I don't know.. I mean I have only read about one third of them and they all seem so interesting. I wouldn't know where to begin!" she says and smiles nervously. Of course she should have some questions about something in the files. Anything? Instead she asks "How long have you been working with Dr. Magnus? Seems like you know a lot of things about these.. abnormals" ,saying the last word with a little caution.


w_zimmerman October 8 2009, 17:56:05 UTC
"Actually, it's been less than a year for me. You get used to it fast," he assures her. "Keeping an open mind helps. My second week on the job, I calmly listened to what a patient had to tell me about herself, told her I'd do everything in my power to help her, and promptly went to Magnus and told her the patient was completely nuts. Then the patient got upset and tried to melt my brain. That headache lasted three weeks," he laughs. "I'm much more likely to take things at face-value these days. Makes the whole process a lot smoother."


dra_montgomery October 9 2009, 08:24:03 UTC
"A less than year. Seems you have absorbed pretty much information during that time. Must be a lot to handle, but I wouldn't know, it's been less than a month since I got contacted by Dr. Magnus." she said, partly in her thoughts about the mysterious woman. Then she laughed at his comment and joked "Sounds like my ex-husband. He's pretty damn good on giving people headaches... By the way, which kind of things I am to report to you or Dr. Magnus? She mentioned it briefly, but I'm not very sure and the last thing I would want to do is bother any of you for no reason. I know you are busy enough already."


w_zimmerman October 9 2009, 16:50:35 UTC
Will doesn't mention any of his exes because most of those horror-stories have no place in polite company. He settles for a more general, "Exes tend to be more trouble than they're worth. That's usually what makes them exes in the first place."

Growing more serious, he adds, "Until you have a better idea of what actually does qualify as 'abnormal' you should probably err on the side of caution and just report anything that doesn't fit. Diagnoses that don't make sense, 'inhuman' anatomy or abilities, bodies disappearing from the morgue, people asking questions who shouldn't be. And this ( ... )


dra_montgomery October 13 2009, 08:22:25 UTC
"True, true.." she says, cursing in her mind that hse brought up Derek. Again. "Well, no more of that subject then." He nods and starts in a more serious tone. She listens very carefully, not wanting to miss anything. Then he shows her a couple of pictres and whispers. "Okay, immediately. I will also secure the x-ray and other test results for you and prep the patient for transfer. You will want to get those in the Sanctuary, or do you?" she whispers. "And other patients that just seem, well abnormal, I'll report to you and get you to take a look before they are discharged?" she continues, looking at Will. This was going to be interesting, very much so.


w_zimmerman October 13 2009, 18:16:50 UTC
"These patients belong at the Sanctuary. Magnus has plenty of experience removing these little bastards," he tells her, scratching his neck. "It's important that you know that patients who have been implanted are potentially very dangerous. Don't mention to them that there's anything unusual in your mind. Definitely don't mention the Sanctuary. Sedate them, preferably without them knowing you're doing it. They may require restraint and, for your own safety, I'm just going to suggest that you do that with everyone you suspect of carrying a Scarab. They can be incredibly violent individuals.

"Other patients, just give me a head's up and I'll handle everything. We're not trying to make too much extra work for you," he tells her, forcing a smile because talking about the Scarab always unsettles him and he'd rather that not show. "I still need to show you around the Sanctuary, too. We can do that now if you'd like or we can set up a time later. Whatever works for you."


dra_montgomery October 13 2009, 20:59:23 UTC
"I got it. Sedate, restraint and let you guys deal with them. I think I can handle that.." she says, somewhat nervously. She is glad when Will goes on, because she can sense that even him is not comfortable with the subject. "Great. I'll inform you if I come across any abnormals, no problem. And I don't think that will be too much work, I need change, I need new challenges. And I would abslutely love to see the Sanctuary. The files won't hopefully walk themselves out of the room. I can deal with them later." she says and goes to get her purse and changes from the lab coat to her own one. "Mind if I grab a coffee on the way down? I want to be as sharp as possible on the tour" she asks as she locks her office door.


w_zimmerman October 13 2009, 21:05:43 UTC
"Coffee's always a good thing," Will agrees with a smile, following her. "Magnus keeps trying to convert me into a tea-drinker but I don't see that happening any time soon. I need a little more of a jolt than tea provides, most of the time."


dra_montgomery October 13 2009, 21:29:53 UTC
"That is a fact. I mean I do love tea, but the perfect time for it is on a calm afternoon, sipping it under a tree on your backyerd.. but certainly not while working." she says as they walk down to the main entrance of the hospital.

They arrive to the sanctuary pretty fast. "Woah.." she lets out as she is amazed by the exterior of the place. "If it's this amazing on the outside.. I cannot even imagine the inside of it." And she is glad that soon she will see the insides of the Sanctuary, after all the talking about it.


w_zimmerman October 13 2009, 21:32:31 UTC
Will doesn't comment further on the coffee vs. tea issue. He never plans to admit that he sometimes likes sharing a cup with Magnus, not even to Magnus herself.

"If you think it's amazing from the outside," he tells her as they pull up to the front door, "wait until you see what lies beneath."


dra_montgomery October 13 2009, 21:52:09 UTC
They go through a massive gate, Will enters a security code. Addison politely looks away as he does it, wondering about the whole place. It is stunning, huge, and clearly very old.

As they enter into the main hall, Addison looks around curiously. "This reminds me of my childhood. Big, empty hallways and stuff.." she half mumbles as she follows Will into a elevator, or something like it.


w_zimmerman October 13 2009, 22:01:02 UTC
"Magnus mentioned you come from a pretty well-to-do family," Will answers, punching the button for the lower levels and leaning against the wall. "But, big or not, the place never really feels empty to me. Plenty of people live here; one of our guests says it reminds her of her boarding school, just a bunch of really different people living together like a very strange family."

As he watches the sublevels pass through the glass, he checks, "Magnus did mention that not all of our guests are actually human, right?"


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