6x07 Reaction and stuff

Nov 06, 2010 18:52

Okay, so I really liked the ep. More under the cut :)

6x07 )

christmas, spn, season six, episode reaction, writing, recs

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Comments 20

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theron09 November 6 2010, 19:01:16 UTC
XD It's nice to know that we can always rely on this, isn't it :)


trinipedia November 6 2010, 18:58:13 UTC

also, episode was really freaking awesome. I'm still thrumming.


theron09 November 6 2010, 19:01:54 UTC
I am writing :) A lot!!!!!

It really, really was.


kros_21 November 6 2010, 19:09:17 UTC
oh God I'm so glad the boys seem to be back together as a team. I was waiting for this. Dean was really pissed at the beginning but Sam kinda chose him at the end, right? YAY!!!!

I know what you mean about Dean pulling over. that's hot. and I always think about a Wincesty outcome. :P LOL

Also, I'm glad Crowley will have a part in this all. I like him. :)


theron09 November 7 2010, 12:20:54 UTC
Yeah, it was great to watch them working together XD

The wincesty outcome is burned in my brain :)

I like Crowley, too. I think he'd a great character.


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theron09 November 7 2010, 12:21:33 UTC
Crowley is awesome XD

Thank you <3

Yeah, there's definitely going to be more episodes of Leverage. Hardison is awesome XD


views November 6 2010, 19:36:38 UTC
I'm finding the whole lack of soul thing very interesting but I do hope that it won't last all season - I'd really like to see Sam with feelings again.

I agree. I do like this turn of events and soulless Sam is very fascinating in some morbid way, but I hate seeing how upset Dean is over it. I'd like to Sammy be Sammy again and hug it out with his bro.

oh, oh, I've forgotten to prompt something! doing it right now. :)


theron09 November 7 2010, 12:22:23 UTC
Yeah, I'm exactly the same. I'm finding it interesting and I think the acting is great but I do really want to see them being brothers again.


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