6x07 Reaction and stuff

Nov 06, 2010 18:52

Okay, so I really liked the ep. More under the cut :)


- I love the fact that the two storylines - the mystery about Sam and the whole thing with the Campbells - actually tied in with one another. And I think it was done very well :)

-Okay, so Samuel's motives. I'm guessing that most people are thinking this - to bring Mary back? If that's true, I'm not sure what to think about it.

-Crowley's appearance was awesome - so wasn't expecting him to show up and then he did and yeah, he's awesome.

-I always love it when Dean gets angry/upset and pulls the Impala over like he did in this episode. Firstly, it's hot. And secondly, we always know that there's going to be a great scene XD

-So yeah, I liked the ep. I'm finding the whole lack of soul thing very interesting but I do hope that it won't last all season - I'd really like to see Sam with feelings again.

I'm going to be brave and not watch promos for next week. Have decided I want it to be a total surprise.

So, aside from Supernatural, things have been a bit busy recently. I'm not going to go on about school and stuff though - have enough of it when I'm offline! Suffice to say, there's a lot of pressure on me at the moment. I'm going to try my best, though.

If anyone missed my Christmas prompts post, please go and check it out :) There are still quite a few of you who haven't prompted anything and if you don't want to then that's obviously fine. I'd just hate anyone to miss out.

I've got to write a fic now, based on something from 6.07. I love the amount of ideas I'm getting at the moment, just wish I'd got them BEFORE I had all the revision and work to do as well!! But yeah, I've been writing a lot recently which is great.

Also, watched 'Nightshifter' last night - I really do love that episode. Oh yeah, I've found out that I have a channel that shows SPN AND Leverage now XD So I'm happy.

I haven't read much fic recently. Anyone got any recs?

christmas, spn, season six, episode reaction, writing, recs

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