
Apr 17, 2012 09:31

I go back to uni today. The thing is, I like uni but I have exams in May and essays for May and I know for a fact that the next month or so is going to be soooooo hectic. So I'm kind of eek about going back today. But then, I also get to see my friends who I haven't seen for aaages today so I'm conflicted. Makes a nice change today though because I ( Read more... )

friends, leverageland, real life, rec requests, randomness, fandom, uni stuff, character:adam, asylum8

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Comments 5

ladyknightanka April 17 2012, 12:12:55 UTC
Happy almost birthday (Avengers, yay!) and sorry about your exams, bb. All of mine and my essays are in May, too, because the semester ends in May and summer break starts, so I will join you in angsting. >__<

If it helps, I always have Adam feels and have since the original airing of JtS, soon after which I started adamwinchester. Most of the fic posted there are really well written. I rec you everything ever by Morkhan, but if you think canon is heartbreaking, just wait till you read her.

Most of my Supernatural fics include Adam in some capacity, too -- usually a HUGE capacity, 'cause he's my favorite. This one is actually the first Supernatural fic I wrote and it's about the Adam of JtS surviving. I know you're an omnishipper like me, so you can look through all my pairing tags to see what I've got (because I don't arrange by character tags), but here is my gen tag. It has a few more Adam-survives-JtS or Adam-is-plucked-from-the-cage fics. *shameless self-reccer*


theron09 April 17 2012, 15:15:39 UTC
Haha, thanks :) It's awesome because my birthday is on the 27th and we're going to see Avengers on the 28th. I passed a poster on the bus on the way home from uni today and I smiled and then realised there was no-one to fangirl with ;) Yeah, my last exam of the year is May 31st - apart from the actual stress of them being so close, it's nice because it means I'm free June through till October.

Adam feels are happening all the time for me now - ever since I started RPing as him. I actually spent a large part of yesterday going through the fic (and you're right, there are some very awesome fics on there) but I probably missed some - thank you for the recs. I shall enjoy reading them on Friday once the hectic uni week is over!


lady_eilthana April 17 2012, 18:27:38 UTC
I feel the same. May will be good and bad all at once. It'll be stressful because I'll need to hand in my BA thesis but I'll also be glad when that's done.

And then there'll be AECon 3 for me. Too bad I'm not going to A8 or you to AECon 3, otherwise I'd be more than happy to meet you at the con. :/


theron09 April 17 2012, 20:36:56 UTC
Yeah, May's going to be a busy month either way!

Ah, I know :( But you never know when we might get a chance to meet in the future and I'm sure we'll have good times at our respective cons :)


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theron09 April 17 2012, 20:39:17 UTC
Yeah, that sums it up perfectly!

Haha, I know :) So awesome! (Passed a poster for it on my way home and the trailer was on tv before and I'm all squee)

Also, I'll email you with the fic by Friday - sorry I didn't get it back yesterday but the weekend was busier than I thought


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