
Apr 17, 2012 09:31

I go back to uni today. The thing is, I like uni but I have exams in May and essays for May and I know for a fact that the next month or so is going to be soooooo hectic. So I'm kind of eek about going back today. But then, I also get to see my friends who I haven't seen for aaages today so I'm conflicted. Makes a nice change today though because I don't have to have my study group meeting so I'll actually be able to have lunch.

In other news, I've been having all the Adam Milligan feels lately and they HURT. I watched Jump the Shark yesterday and I just kept thinking about what would have happened if Adam had survived and then I started to think about him still being in the cage and, yeah. Anyone have any fic recs for me where Adam survives Jump the Shark or gets rescued from the cage or something? Or even an AU where he meets his brothers in a different way, John optional. Gen or I pretty much ship anything. (Also, I totally know what I'm spending my summer writing now, lots and lots of Adam fic)

Seriously though people, ADAMMMMM.

It's not long until my birthday now - it's on a Friday which is nice because I have that day off uni anyway. Then, on the Saturday we're going to see Avengers. So I'm looking forward to that (even though people keep asking what I want and I can't think of anything!)

Still having fun over at leverageland - have a few challenges to catch up on this week but I love my fellow grifters (and even a few people from other teams, too *g*).

Also, I figure this is about the time to ask if there's anyone on my flist who is going to be at A8. If so, shout up because it'd be awesome if we could meet/look out for each other :)

*hugs you all*

friends, leverageland, real life, rec requests, randomness, fandom, uni stuff, character:adam, asylum8

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