Hey guys...

Feb 12, 2012 11:43

Not feeling well today - my throat is really sore and I feel a bit tired and run-down - so I've had to cancel going out with my friends for the pub quiz tonight which is a shame because it wasn't on last week and I miss them when I don't see them. It's the sensible thing to do, though, I figure if I can get some rest and stay inside in the warm I ( Read more... )

friends, shows, tv, challenges, writing stuff, white collar, uni stuff, character:adam, jake abel, update

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Comments 12

hollymac_79 February 12 2012, 13:46:38 UTC
I'd most definitely go for Castle and Burn Notice. Castle's got great comedy and drama, plus you can't go wrong with Nathan Fillion :) . Burn Notice has got a lot of action to it.


theron09 February 13 2012, 10:30:41 UTC
Sounds like both are going to be awesome :)


aznara February 12 2012, 13:47:50 UTC
Burn Notice and Hawaii Five-0 are both very fun shows. I enjoy them a lot. I don't know how I can describe them. Think of a weird mix between Ocean's Eleven/Robin Hood/Leverage for Burn Notice. Also, Jeffrey Donovan is really perfect for the main character and it's fun to watch him do a lot of different accents/roles.
Hawaii Five-0 has a great cast too (Scott Caan is amazing), strong female characters and the banter between the two main characters is hilarious. It's a cop show so the plot isn't always very original, but I haven't gotten bored yet.

That said, both aren't the tv shows of the century, but definitely fun to watch.

Hope you'll feel better soon! :)


theron09 February 13 2012, 10:32:39 UTC
It sounds like they're both cool - I love Scott Caan which is what made me think of checking Hawaii Five-O out at first, plus it sounds like my type of show.

Thanks - I'm feeling a little bit worse today, actually, but hopefully it'll be my worst day and I'll feel better from tomorrow.


laranlas_keryn February 12 2012, 18:10:51 UTC
That seems to be going around, I've had a sore throat for about a week now, my voice is finally coming back and I've just been so tired lately. Being sick sucks. Feel better soon!

I could beta for you, if you'd like :) Just let me know what kind of time frame I'd be looking at and I can give you a definite answer then.

Castle is such a fun show! I'm not able to really keep up with it as I'd like but every time I get the chance to watch it I always enjoy myself. Same with Hawaii 5-0, the chemistry between the leads is great on both shows which obviously makes for a great time.


theron09 February 13 2012, 10:36:54 UTC
Yeah, a few people I've talked to have been unwell - I'm hoping I start feeling better tomorrow when I have lectures; I already had to cancel something today :(

Thank you very much for offering to beta - it's probably going to be quite a relaxed time frame - the rough draft is due at the end of March but I'm hoping to get it done earlier and then I'll be waiting for art; there won't necessarily be a fixed posting date with this. It's a Stanford Sam/Dean AU, by the way.

Sounds like both shows are worth checking out, then!


kros_21 February 12 2012, 18:47:35 UTC
get better soon bb.


theron09 February 13 2012, 10:37:25 UTC
Thank you! I hope I do - I was meant to go and meet the trustees of the scholarship I'm getting today but I've had to cancel :(


trollmela February 12 2012, 19:27:14 UTC
I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope it goes away without turning into an actual cold. I haven't watched the newest spn episode yet either. I watched the one of last week only today because I've been so lazy.

God, 35k, I can't wait to read this! It's going to be so epic!

Castle I don't know. I think my father enjoyed it, if it's the right series I'm thinking of.

I once read an awesome crossover story of Burn Notice with spn: It's


theron09 February 13 2012, 10:40:31 UTC
Thanks - I'm afraid it's turned into something a bit worse; had a temperature when I woke up this morning. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I'm feeling a little better by tomorrow when I have lectures. I might try and watch the SPN episode today.


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