Hey guys...

Feb 12, 2012 11:43

Not feeling well today - my throat is really sore and I feel a bit tired and run-down - so I've had to cancel going out with my friends for the pub quiz tonight which is a shame because it wasn't on last week and I miss them when I don't see them. It's the sensible thing to do, though, I figure if I can get some rest and stay inside in the warm I might manage to limit the damage to just a sore throat rather than a full-blown cold. So, instead of going out at all today I'm going to try and get the reading for uni finished and then I might get around to watching Supernatural - I tried to dl it yesterday but it wasn't working.

I've just realised it's been a little while since I've updated- it's mainly because I've not been up to anything new; just going to uni and writing. My Leverage Reverse Bang is going very well, should have the draft finished soon and then my next job is finishing the Stanford fic which I'm looking forward to getting back to. Then I should really make a start to my spn_j2_bigbang fic. Eeek, why did I sign up for so much?! It's all fun, though, so I'm going to try and enjoy it and not get stressed.

Speaking of the Stanford fic, I'm not looking for any definite answers yet but do any of you think you might be up for beta-reading it for me? It's going to be a big project - it's at 35k now and there's still a way to go before it gets finished.

I'm also collaborating with ishilde on a fic for the Adam challenge (as well as hopefully writing my own fic too.) We have our plot totally outlined and I'm really enjoying the process of working with someone else on the actual writing so far - it'll be interesting to see how it goes when we start the writing.

I finished season one of White Collar on Friday (while I was waiting for leverageland bingo) - I've really enjoyed the season and I really like the dynamics between the characters and the characters themselves. There's a couple of other shows I'm thinking about giving a go - Castle, Burn Notice, Hawaii 5-0. Anyone have any opinions on those?

I watched 'I Am Number 4' last night; it was quite different to the book but I thought it was quite a good film. It was weird seeing Jake Abel in that part, though, I kept wanting to hug him and I don't think that's the reaction I was meant to have to the character!

This sounds like all I've been doing is watching tv and movies but I have also been very busy with uni things; there's more reading to do this semester because I'm doing two lit modules instead of one. I'm really enjoying both of the lit modules so far but it's taking me a while to get back into the swing of reading. Think I'm about there now, though. Haven't made up my mind about the history module I'm doing yet; I think it has the potential to be enjoyable but it hasn't got there yet.

Anyway, I feel like I haven't been around much/talked to many of you lately so go ahead and ask any questions or tell me something random or whatever :) *hugs you all*

friends, shows, tv, challenges, writing stuff, white collar, uni stuff, character:adam, jake abel, update

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