
Jan 31, 2012 09:29

Heading into uni for the first day of semester two shortly - I have three lectures today and I imagine they're mostly going to be introductory. Have one point where I have to do the usual dash to get from one building to the next in time for my lecture but, luckily, I have a friend who will probably save me a seat.

Met up with ishilde for coffee yesterday ( Read more... )

fun times, writing stuff, friends, randomness, uni stuff, catch up, help

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Comments 9

whiskyinmind January 31 2012, 11:03:04 UTC
I dunno if it's allowed or not, but I'm available for beta if you like?


theron09 January 31 2012, 15:45:39 UTC
I hadn't even thought about that! If you're happy to beta then that would be great...as long as you don't mind the fact that the fic won't be posting standard the first time you get to read it?


whiskyinmind January 31 2012, 15:48:13 UTC
of course I don't mind! Send it over whenever you've got a draft ready!


theron09 January 31 2012, 15:50:07 UTC
Okay, thank you! I will do - it's at about 3000 words now and I'm hoping to make good headway on it over the next week :)


ladyknightanka January 31 2012, 12:56:20 UTC

As for collaborating, I've never done it, but I've seen some really successful authors who either divide by chapter/segment or character. You might be able to hash out segments you each do on intervals or write from different characters' POVs. Since it's a mini-bang, I don't know if chapters would apply.



theron09 January 31 2012, 15:47:35 UTC
Thank you! It's been an okay start - I like my three day week, anyway, because it means I get a four day weekend *g*

Yeah, we were thinking chapters...I think it's going to end up at more than the 5000 so we might get a few chapters out of it at least...could always so a part one and part two or something - I'm sure we'll work something out :)

Also, that is a gorgeous icon!



ladyknightanka January 31 2012, 16:22:36 UTC
I have a four day week, but a three day weekend will have to do. Good luck with school and fic outlining, bb. XD

Thank you! I had no part in making it, lol.


kros_21 January 31 2012, 20:44:25 UTC
I am pretty much done with the first rotation in the lab and I'm about to start with the second one... so I would say, good luck with semester two to the both of us! :D


theron09 February 1 2012, 15:14:02 UTC
Good luck with working in the second lab! I hope it's a good experience for you :)


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