
Jan 31, 2012 09:29

Heading into uni for the first day of semester two shortly - I have three lectures today and I imagine they're mostly going to be introductory. Have one point where I have to do the usual dash to get from one building to the next in time for my lecture but, luckily, I have a friend who will probably save me a seat.

Met up with ishilde for coffee yesterday and we started planning the fic we're collaborating on for the Adam challenge - I'm very, very excited to be working with her on this - never collaborated with anyone on writing a fic before though, anyone have any tips for how best to organise it?

My Leverage reverse bang is still coming along nicely - I have 3000 words done and a very clear idea of what's happening. Speaking of, is there anyone who might be willing to beta it for me when it's done? It's going to be at least 10,000 words and it's Sophie/Eliot - there's a chance it might need to be a fairly quick turnaround depending on when I finish but I'm hoping I'll get the draft done to leave enough time.

I'm really looking forward to Friday now - my day off! (Also the day me and my friends go to Pizza Hut, it's going to be even better this week because I think my friend who is away at uni is going to be there!)

Anyway, I better go and get ready so I'm not late for my first lecture...

*hugs you all*

fun times, writing stuff, friends, randomness, uni stuff, catch up, help

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