(no subject)

Jan 29, 2012 16:00

Having a productive day today - I've typed up my timetable for semester two (about time, considering I start on Tuesday!) and started writing up a list of what I'm going to need to do for each week. Hopefully it'll help me organise my time better. I need to read Beowulf for Tuesday, though, so my next priority is starting that. I've done some stuff for leverageland too (if you're not a member yet and you like Leverage, why not? It's awesome!) and my Leverage reverse bang fic is now at 2085 words - the minimum is 10,000 so I've made a good start over the last few days - if I can keep up this pace over the next week I should get finished within a reasonable amount of time and then I can work on other things, too.

I have no lectures tomorrow so I'm getting up early to take Kizzie for a run at the beach with my Mum - it'll be a good way to wake me up before doing some reading. Think I'm meeting up with ishilde for a coffee and to start planning for the Adam Bang challenge (still so excited for that one - any of you thinking of signing up to write or make art?) Anyway - I'm planning on an early night so it's easier to get up early in the morning.

I'm in a very Sherlock mood right now - do any of you have any recs for BBC Sherlock fic? Preferably John/Sherlock but any pairing, or   gen, is fine :) Fluff, angst, anything goes!

leverageland, real life, writing stuff, sherlock, character:adam, challenge, kizzie, update

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