I'm back!

Jan 21, 2012 16:18

Hey all! How are you? Having a good weekend?

I finally sat my exam yesterday! I think it went quite well - I managed to answer my questions on a pretty good range of topics and I think I argued my points well so I've just got to wait until we get the results now and see :) I feel like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders now, though. I ( Read more... )

shows, tv, yay!, challenges, randomness, sherlock, uni stuff, kizzie

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Comments 7

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theron09 January 22 2012, 09:26:18 UTC
Thanks! I had a really lovely day yesterday - going to try and get my essay done today and then hopefully I'll have a relaxing week, too!


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theron09 January 22 2012, 09:28:24 UTC
I would indeed. At the moment I'm just working on the prompts I received for over Christmas. But you can prompt here and I will write it when I can :)


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theron09 January 22 2012, 10:45:19 UTC
I can definitely give it a go!


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theron09 January 22 2012, 09:29:15 UTC
Thank you - I think things went well.

I loved my first semester :) I made so many friends and had some really great lecturers and, even though it was hard work, I enjoyed the hard work :)


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theron09 January 22 2012, 10:45:30 UTC
Thank you :D


trollmela January 22 2012, 20:44:31 UTC
Good to hear your exam went well. I hope the term paper won't be a problem now :)

I went to a museum today and took my laptop (nearly 3 hours train ride) to continue my big bang. Unfortunately I'm not sure whether it counts as 80% complete - I have still no idea where I'm going and now I'm stuck with the plot - so I may have to drop out after all. That would suck, but I could continue writing the story for the casestory big bang instead, where rough drafts aren't due until May. I feel really bad about it but I think I have to consider it.

I watched only one episode of the BBC Sherlock Holmes series, but I really liked it. I'll try and find it when I have the time. As it happens, I watched the latest Sherlock Holmes film for the second time on Monday (we actually wanted to see a different film but ended up at the wrong theater), and I bought the first film with Robert Downey Jr. and watched it yesterday. I liked that interpretation as well.

So good to hear from you again :)


theron09 January 23 2012, 09:26:49 UTC
Thanks - it's definitely took a lot of pressure off! I've got about 500 words still to write of the term paper but it's going well, I have the main body written, really, just need to go back and expand certain bits.

It sounds like you were being productive on the train. That's the Miami Vice fic, right? How many words are you up to?

I really like the BBC version - it's really, really awesome. I've seen the first but not the second film - I did like the adaptation (I watched it before I watched the BBC version) too, but I think I prefer the BBC version. That said, both are awesome and I'd still like to see the second film at some point.

Feel free to email me about the fic, by the way - I should be quicker at answering now revision is out the way!


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