Hey all! How are you? Having a good weekend?
I finally sat my exam yesterday! I think it went quite well - I managed to answer my questions on a pretty good range of topics and I think I argued my points well so I've just got to wait until we get the results now and see :) I feel like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders now, though. I still have a term paper to write but I've done all the leg work - the researching and planning - already and it's a different sort of pressure to exams anyway :)
I've taken today off. I was just going to take the morning off because we took Kizzie for a long walk and then went for a pub lunch but when we got home my cousin was here with his kids and they stayed up until about half an hour ago so I'm just going to grant myself the rest of the day off, too! I can write my essay up tomorrow. Going to try and get some writing done this evening instead - it's ages since I've had the time to just sit and write so I want to do some of that. Lots of things on the go at the moment. Speaking of, if any of you who are still waiting for your prompt fics want to change to a non-seasonal prompt now that it's pretty late in January, just say. I really don't mind.
I don't know whether I mentioned but I've been watching the BBC Sherlock over the last couple of weeks - I'm all caught up except for 2x3 but I think I'm waiting a few days to watch that until my Mum and sister are caught up. I really do love it, though! Next on my list to try is White Collar.
What have you guys been up to? I know a few of you signed up for
spn_j2_bigbang...do you know what you want to write/do art for yet? I'm really excited for this round!