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Comments 13

heartsonwings December 19 2011, 13:20:49 UTC
I thought it was really sweet when Hardison wanted to be the one to get the car, and Eliot sort of let him and he smiled and it was like he proud, it was kinda cool lol

I liked this one :) a lot of people have been saying they preferred this one to last week's, I think I like them the same but I loved how different this one was; they were helping people but in a different way to usual, they got caught up in it so had to help rather than being asked

Do you know if this season is longer than the other seasons? It feels like it's had more episodes cos there's usually around 13/14 but I could be wrong lol


theron09 December 19 2011, 15:01:32 UTC
Yeah, it was one of those nice moments where you see how much Eliot cares for the team.

I liked both the episodes - think they both had different feels to them. Last week's was all girl power and the slick world of thieves, this week was about the guys being caught in the middle of quite a messy situation.

Yeah, this one is longer - I can't remember how many episodes but I think it's either 18 or 22 that we're getting this time.


heartsonwings December 19 2011, 15:05:29 UTC
The only slight problem I had with the episodes, and maybe I'm just being silly and reading too much into it, but the fact that the girls had to phone the boys a couple of times for help but the boys were fine alone. I'm not usually feminist or anything but I couldn't help but notice that

It'd be awesome if we got a full 22 episode season :D


theron09 December 19 2011, 15:10:56 UTC
Hmmm, I guess I know what you mean...but they were ringing for Hardison's hacking skills more than anything else so I guess that's why - the boys already had a hacker with them.


sheryden December 19 2011, 15:31:35 UTC
I loved this episode so damn much. It was a three-way buddy movie, and it was epic. And I totally agree about Shelley. I have to wonder if the writers are planning to do more with him, because yeah, it's damn significant that paranoid Eliot is allowing his past and present life to mix.

I really want to see an episode where Eliot Goes Missing, and they have to call Shelley to help get him back. :D


theron09 December 19 2011, 15:58:24 UTC
It was a really fantastic episode - I loved it!

I feel like they're not done with Shelley yet - I think there must have been a reason he was introduced (after all, they could have done the con without him etc) and wow, that'd be a perfect episode! Leverage writers, take note!


jesco0307 December 20 2011, 06:35:58 UTC
Yes, please. I want to see that episode!


lasvegas_lights December 19 2011, 19:59:53 UTC
I love Shelley and I love Hurley/Peggy, I hope for a leverage wedding!


theron09 December 20 2011, 12:23:34 UTC
Hurley/Peggy is awesome :)


jesco0307 December 20 2011, 06:35:02 UTC
Yep, couldn't agree more - this episode was fantastic. Lots of Eliot/Hardison fun - oh my goodness, how much did I love Eliot boosting Hardison's ego. Letting him win rock, paper, scissors or with the Mexican drug people (because I seriously believe he said something to the guy while Hardison went out of the room). Loved the interaction between Nate and Hurley and Bonnano? I so want more of him!

Can I have more of Shelley, please? Let's have him come back :).

Oh, just one thing. Am I the only one who felt a little like the ending was like Eliot introducing his GF to the family? I mean, I assume it's because she is in RL, but I thought it was a little unusual for Eliot (not CK, lol) to hang around that long with her. I like her and all, but I hope she'll be a one time thing and they're not giving Eliot a GF. Because that would really not fit to Eliot at all - at least how I see it.


theron09 December 20 2011, 12:25:44 UTC
I loved, loved, loved Eliot doing those things for Hardison and yes, I fully agree with you that he said something to that guy while Hardison was on the phone.

Oh, I hope so! Shelley was awesome and I love Sean Faris :)

Hmm, I'm not sure - I see where you're coming from but there's been mentions of them meeting girls he's dated before so I'm not sure.


jesco0307 December 20 2011, 12:47:36 UTC
See, that somehow escaped my attention. I remember Eliot saying a lot of times "I dated a...", but never felt that the team has actually met them. But hey, in that case don't mind me.

I just don't want them to feel like they need to provide Eliot with a steady girlfriend now that they've paired up the others. I can barely stand the focus on the other couples and that would move the show too far from what I like about it. But hey, that's just my opinion...


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