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Comments 5

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theron09 November 20 2011, 08:49:22 UTC
I get what you mean - I wasn't expecting the show to really go in that direction but I think it works in the context of who the guys are. Sam's grown up around pain and I think, to him, it's a better alternative than anything else as far as he sees it.

There were really some AWESOME one-liners.

Yeah, I don't either. I kind of think maybe he took the hat off at the last second and the bullet entered another part of his body maybe...


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theron09 November 20 2011, 08:52:30 UTC
Stoned!Dean really was funny (Jensen always does the comedy so well!)

I'm really excited about where the Leviathan storyline is going, especially now that we have a big boss who is in the public eye and has lots of influence. It'll be very interesting!


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theron09 November 20 2011, 08:56:07 UTC
I'm really glad you liked the episode! I think a lot of people felt a but 'meh' about the wedding episode so it's so nice to see people liking this one :)

The dissection was so gross! They really actually showed us a lot of gore and there was the cat's head and the bits of Rick and only Supernatural could get away with that!

I loved that whole sequence with the manips and the clips and the digs at politics. So awesome :D

Don't worry about commenting, hon. I've been pretty busy myself with uni so most of my posts have just been quick stop-bys anyway. Are you enjoying college, though, even if it is a little busy?

I'm good, really good :) Haha, ramble all you like!!!!!!!


kros_21 November 20 2011, 23:01:01 UTC
honestly I don't understand.... did Dick get Bobby at the end? cause I thought he was fine..... O.o
but they can't kill Bobby off, right?!??!


theron09 November 21 2011, 11:02:52 UTC
I'm not sure - I don't think we're meant to know what's going on yet. I just...yeah, I don't know.


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