Timing is everything...

Nov 15, 2011 15:35


First of all, I'd like to welcome my new friends - it's good to have you here and I'm looking forward to getting to know you! A (slightly out of date) intro post and my masterpost are at the top of my journal and if you have any questions/want to know something about me, go ahead and ask :D

Today, my timing worked out pretty well. I'm not ( Read more... )

spn, friends, randomness, fic stuff, real life, leverage, welcome

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Comments 12

kros_21 November 15 2011, 16:44:08 UTC
feel better soon sweetiepie! ;)

oh well, timing is everything. ;D


theron09 November 15 2011, 19:46:56 UTC
Thank you :) I'm feeling a lot better now than I was this morning (which is lucky because I have to go in tomorrow)

Yeah, I was really lucky - I was really worried about missing that particular lecture so I'm glad I didn't!

How are things going with you?


kros_21 November 15 2011, 22:15:59 UTC
glad to hear so!

really good hon! I'm very busy with work and life in general but things are going really well. :)


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theron09 November 15 2011, 19:47:53 UTC
I know! I'm so excited! (I was talking about it today with a friend and I got all squeeful, now she's going to give the show a go so all is good *g*)


heartsonwings November 15 2011, 17:50:35 UTC
Wow, in what lecture do you learn about horsemen? Lol that's cool though, I love it when things like uni mention things we can relate to

Oh I'm sooo excited for Leverage! I bought it on DVD the other day (s1 and 2) because I was missing it so much. I really hope Hardison and Parker finally actually get together :)

Hope you're feeling ok <3


theron09 November 15 2011, 19:50:28 UTC
It's a module we do in History called 'Encounters'. Today, the guy was saying that we can think of the characters of the Horsemen (Pestilence, Death etc) as a summary of the collapse of Empires. This module is seriously full of SPN references, though - there's been mentions of deals with demons (talking about witchcraft), the archangel Gabriel, everything!

Leverage is going to be awesome! I can't wait.

I'm actually feeling a LOT better now :) Thank you!


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theron09 November 15 2011, 19:53:06 UTC
*waves back* You're very welcome!

Thanks - I feel a LOT better now. Yeah, we've had some really nice SPN references in the module I'm doing at the moment - it's really fun :)

Ooh, ooh, ooh! Hurt!Dean fic! I shall have to read that when it's done! (That artwork is fabulous!) It can be so frustrating when it's like that, when you know exactly what you want it to be like but can't get it written fast enough!


trollmela November 15 2011, 19:38:58 UTC
Sorry to hear you're not feeling too well. I'll join you, since I've got a cold. I had school until 6 today and I should be writing for the OhSam prompt and my MV fic but I just can't. And tomorrow I'm starting work, which looks way more complex than I thought. Thursday I've got my second job interview (I don't have much hope it will work out but if it does, well, they pay a few bucks more which is good). And Friday I should be able to look at the test results of my IELTS test. It's only Tuesday and I'm already tired.


theron09 November 15 2011, 19:55:33 UTC
Thanks - I'm feeling a bit better now so I hope you are too!

Good luck with work tomorrow - you will do amazingly!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your results - let me know how you go :)

Man, sounds like you have a really busy week - don't worry about your MV fic word count; you can catch up when things quieten down a bit if you fall behind and every writing 50 words or something a day is progress. *cheers you on*


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