Timing is everything...

Nov 15, 2011 15:35


First of all, I'd like to welcome my new friends - it's good to have you here and I'm looking forward to getting to know you! A (slightly out of date) intro post and my masterpost are at the top of my journal and if you have any questions/want to know something about me, go ahead and ask :D

Today, my timing worked out pretty well. I'm not feeling too well (nothing serious, just a bit icky, and I'm actually feeling better now than I was earlier) so I decided to miss my last two lectures. The English lecture is fine because they record them and put them online anyway and my timing for History couldn't have been better because the lecturer didn't turn up so I didn't actually miss anything. The lecture that I DID go to this morning was pretty fun; mentions of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse basically had me and my friends who like SPN grinning the entire time. (One of the later lectures is actually titled 'Pestilence'!)

I get my first essay back tomorrow - slightly nervous but I think I did okay and this one doesn't actually go towards my final mark so it's okay.

It's not long until Leverage comes back now! I'm pretty excited! leverageland has been a brilliant distraction (seriously, it's amazing!) but I am starting to miss getting new episodes now.

Right, I've forgotten what else I wanted to say now because I just had to nip to the shop! We're having home-made soup for tea :)
Okay then, I'll ask you guys something instead. What projects are you working on? Any fics or art pieces that you're really excited about/frustrated at? 

spn, friends, randomness, fic stuff, real life, leverage, welcome

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