
Oct 31, 2011 07:53

Hey guys! Sorry I was pretty MIA over the weekend - I had lots of work to do and there was a bash challenge going on over at leverageland too. I still have lots of work to do when I get back today but I'll try and get myself caught up on your posts, too! What did you all think of Slash Fiction? I really enjoyed it (in case you couldn't tell from my reaction ( Read more... )

fics, friends, real life, halloween, writing, update, welcome

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Comments 8

si_star_x October 31 2011, 08:14:27 UTC
I'm on the bus now :-)
I moved back to my parents house this weekend. Things with Paul were really stressful so just having a 'break' that may or may not be permanent!


theron09 October 31 2011, 13:10:03 UTC
I actually quite like the bus, it's relaxing.

Ah man, I hope things get worked out/resolved - let me know if you need to talk/vent/be distracted.

(Also, I'm definitely booked up for A8 in May)


jojothecr October 31 2011, 08:40:00 UTC
What did you all think of Slash Fiction?
I loved it, except the ending (which I understand had to happen). I cried.

I don't have a bus to catch. But my mom's coming back from her 'vacation' so I'm planning to cook/bake something. Probably pudding! :D

Have a great day yourself.


theron09 October 31 2011, 13:10:40 UTC
I loved it, too! And yes, the ending was sad but necessary.

Baking! I love baking :D


midnighthour October 31 2011, 08:40:11 UTC
Aww, a special welcome? ♥

I'm glad you got up in time, despite staying up till Reverse Bingo was over xD


theron09 October 31 2011, 13:11:20 UTC
Of course :)

Haha, me too - I thought I might sleep in (especially after getting up early on Sunday for the quickie as well!)


kros_21 October 31 2011, 11:04:53 UTC
Happy Halloween hon!!!!

I actually celebrated on Saturday. I went to this big party and I dressed up as a little devil. You'll see the pics soon. :)



theron09 October 31 2011, 13:13:14 UTC
Thank you :)

That sounds like fun! Looking forward to the pics :)



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