(no subject)

Oct 31, 2011 07:53

Hey guys! Sorry I was pretty MIA over the weekend - I had lots of work to do and there was a bash challenge going on over at leverageland too. I still have lots of work to do when I get back today but I'll try and get myself caught up on your posts, too! What did you all think of Slash Fiction? I really enjoyed it (in case you couldn't tell from my reaction last night!)

Oh, Happy Halloween by the way! I don't think I'm really doing anything for it but never mind, it's fun anyway! Hope you all have an awesome day no matter what you get up to - anyone have any plans?

I'm working on quite a few different fics at the moment; hopefully I'll get a few of them posted tonight. I've started the process of updating my masterpost as well, although it's quite a long job - it's kind of scary how much I've written over the last few years without really realising it!

Anyway, I need to be going - have to catch my bus in ten minutes. Just time to welcome midnighthour before I go - it's awesome to have you here, not sure why it didn't happen sooner! ;)

Have a good day everyone!

fics, friends, real life, halloween, writing, update, welcome

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