This is my life

Oct 19, 2011 16:37

I'm feeling much better now than I was a few days ago - my cold is still lingering but my cough is much better. I did have a mini semi-asthma attack today but I think that was more to do with the fact my bus was late so I had to rush really quickly in town to get to my seminar and it was really cold as well. So cold ( Read more... )

friends, thementalist, shows, real life, books, downton, reading, uni, leverage

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Comments 2

kros_21 October 19 2011, 17:41:34 UTC
I'm glad you feel better hon. Me, on the contrary, I'm deadly sick: high fever, upset stomach... and I still have to study because I have a presentation coming up too! :(
In these moments I wish I was back home.....


theron09 October 20 2011, 10:52:44 UTC

Aww no, that's not good! I hope you're feeling better today - it sounds awful!!!!!


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