This is my life

Oct 19, 2011 16:37

I'm feeling much better now than I was a few days ago - my cold is still lingering but my cough is much better. I did have a mini semi-asthma attack today but I think that was more to do with the fact my bus was late so I had to rush really quickly in town to get to my seminar and it was really cold as well. So cold!

Things are going good uni-wise. Only hiccup was that one of my lecturers didn't turn up yesterday but all the lectures and seminars have been really enjoyable so I'm not going to complain. I need to get organised, though. I have essays due in in, like, two weeks time that I have to make a start on and I have a presentation to prepare for on top of all my reading.

Read 'The Lonely Londoners' by Sam Selvon. I liked it; the way it was a snapshot of life was pretty cool and I loved the calypso element and it was a good read. I'm reading Andrea Levy's 'The Long Song' now; I'm almost half-way through and I really like it so far. Plus, Andrea Levy is doing a talk on Tuesday which should be awesome - my ticket came today.

I know I'm being all rambly; it's because I've been SPAM, SPAM, SPAMMING over at the Team Grifter comm. Wrists are hurting a bit now but I'm going to keep going :D

I'm going to watch episode one of season one of Downton Abbey tonight; I love the series but I didn't see all of S1 (think I saw bits of all the episodes but not any whole episodes!) so I'm going to try and catch up on Wednesday nights. I'm excited :D (Also, does anyone know anywhere awesome to get Downton Abbey icons/read fics about Thomas)

I'm all caught up with The Mentalist, though, which is good. I'm really enjoying season four so far.

What are all of you up to at the moment? Taking part in any challenges? Doing anything interesting offline? Reading any good books?


friends, thementalist, shows, real life, books, downton, reading, uni, leverage

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