The post that isn't about Harry Potter (because I realised I need to talk about other things too)

Jul 15, 2011 09:45

I remembered a few other things that I'd wanted to mention apart from Harry Potter and the school thing so I'm making a different post because the other one felt kind of final - sorry for the multiple posts! I'll bullet this one to mix it up a little ;)
  • The check in period for thebigbangjob is meant to start today so is it crazy that I'm thinking about starting ( Read more... )

thebigbangjob2011, thementalist, shows, fic stuff, writing, reading, gandalf, leverage

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Comments 10

dante_s_hell July 15 2011, 15:42:31 UTC
I really enjoyed the show, Haven. It has only thirteen episodes and they were well paced, nice character development, and it has the Stephen King touch. The 2n season starts tonight.


theron09 July 16 2011, 12:21:23 UTC
Oh, that might be a good one to watch then - especially if it only has one and a bit seasons so far! Thanks for the rec :)


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theron09 July 16 2011, 12:33:06 UTC
Dexter is high on my list of priorities!

Harry Potter was so awesome :)


trollmela July 15 2011, 15:55:52 UTC
I had my last day of school today. It was kind of strange because I didn't get to say goodbye to the people that mattered. I'll see some of them next week though, so that's okay.

Hm, about your big bang, how much time do you have left? I mean, if you can do the second story in the time you've left, why not write it? Perhaps you should set up some kind of plan for it to help you write - but what am I saying? It's not as if this has worked that well for me :)

I vote you watch Miami Vice but unfortunately I don't know any specific websites where you can watch it for free besides the usual suspects.


theron09 July 16 2011, 12:35:47 UTC
Yeah, my last day was kind of strange too because none of my really close friends were around. How long is it now until you go away?

I have about another month left so I think I can do it - you'll probably just have to put up with me freaking out a lot! (Speaking of, I'll get your fic back to you as soon as I can - I have time set aside later today to finish off reading it and think up some ideas for you!)

Yeah, I can try the usual places for Miami Vice :)


trollmela July 16 2011, 18:21:41 UTC
I'm leaving in two weeks on the 31st.

(Don't worry about ideas; for now it would be incredibly helpful to know whether what I've done so far is any good and if it would be boring/useful/necessary that I through all episodes of season 4 until the finale. Even if I ignore some, that's still a lot of material and since people should recognize it, I'm afraid it might turn long-winded.)


theron09 July 16 2011, 19:23:01 UTC
Well, what you've done so far is definitely good and I'll let you know what I think about the other stuff when I sent it back to you (which should be tomorrow because I want to check over it again in the morning!)


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theron09 July 16 2011, 12:37:52 UTC
The fic needs to be a minimum of 15000 words and I have about a month to write it - I think I will give it a try because you're right!


gutsparfait July 16 2011, 03:07:48 UTC
I watched all of The Mentalist via Just picked videoweed, novamov or zshare. Watching between those and videobb and megavideo I watched all of it online.


theron09 July 16 2011, 12:38:19 UTC
Thanks for the pointers - I'll try and get to the episodes that way then!


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