The post that isn't about Harry Potter (because I realised I need to talk about other things too)

Jul 15, 2011 09:45

I remembered a few other things that I'd wanted to mention apart from Harry Potter and the school thing so I'm making a different post because the other one felt kind of final - sorry for the multiple posts! I'll bullet this one to mix it up a little ;)
  • The check in period for thebigbangjob is meant to start today so is it crazy that I'm thinking about starting a whole other fic? The one that I had started just doesn't seem to be going anywhere and it's been stuck at just under 2000 words for ages. I've had another Nate/Eliot idea, one that I think is maybe more interesting and might be better for me to write so, yeah, is it crazy? Does anyone feel like talking some ideas through with me on AIM or something?

  • I'm still really enjoying The Mentalist but I can't really find anywhere online to watch it without being cut off every so often etc so I think I'm going to order the first season this weekend. So, on that note, any suggestions for what I should watch next? I have this long list of shows I want to watch but I can't decide which ones to choose to watch first etc so any suggestions would be appreciated :)

  • Once I'm done with my essay I'm going to try and get through more of the books that I've been wanting to read/finish. I'm going to finish The Two Towers first and get through the LOTRs then I think I'm going to try reading Pride and Prejudice again. I really did love Atonement in the end even though it took me a few tries to get into it so hopefully the same thing will happen with P and P!

thebigbangjob2011, thementalist, shows, fic stuff, writing, reading, gandalf, leverage

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