Jul 15, 2011 09:19
Today is the end of two different eras for me and it's going to be very emotional and I have a feeling I'm going to cry lots so I'm going to need my waterproof mascara!
First of all, I'm going into my old school (and that's the first time I've referred to it as that) for a goodbye lunch. The teachers are ordering in pizza and everyone is saying goodbye to everyone else and we're getting our leavers hoodies and yearbooks. It's so weird to think that I probably won't see some of these people ever again - like the people that I like, have talked to in lessons etc but haven't necessarily hung out with at weekends and things, like the teachers that have supported me and been around since I was eleven, the friends that are moving away to go to uni elsewhere. It feels more real now. Like, at the leaver's ball and everything else I knew it was ending but now that I've been to the summer school and I know that, apart from results day, this is the last time I'm at that school as one of it's students.
I'm kind of worried, too. I feel like I'm one of the only ones from my friendship group who are moving on (K and D are most likely resitting and we're not sure whether R will be leaving or not either) and I'm just really worried that we'll end up losing contact. I mean, look how easy it was for me and K to end up going over a month without speaking to eachother when we were both busy with other things. I don't want that again.
And then it's on to the end of another era. Harry Potter. I'm so excited about it because I have a feeling that the movie is going to be great but I also kind of wish I wasn't going yet because, once I've seen it, that's (as far as we know) the end of anything new from the franchise and that's so freaking sad. It sounds silly and cheesy but I (and a lot of you, I know) have grown up with these books, these movies and it's going to be hard to let it go. Plus, you know, all the deaths and stuff are going to make me sob.
OMG, I just realised. It's like the end of my school and the end of Hogwarts on the same day and it's kind of poetic and I just know the two things are going to tag team me and make me over emotional!!!
Anyway, expect much squeeing and reflecting from me later (and possibly a few tears!)
If you're seeing Harry Potter today, have fun! If not, I hope you enjoy whatever you are doing. *hugs you all*
megan gets emotional,
harry potter,
hold me please,
thinky thoughts