I'm back :)

Jul 14, 2011 11:29

Hey all! How are you all doing? Any news?

First of all I want to thank everyone who has sent me v-gifts recently - I've been appallingly bad at keeping up with thanking you guys but please know that I appreciate them and that they make me smile. *hugs you all*

I finished summer school! My last day was fun and I just enjoyed the whole experience so much. I'm so pleased that I did it and now I just hope I can write an awesome essay and get the grades I need in my A level results to get my place at the uni because I've fallen in love with the place and the people. I've not totally decided which essay question I'm going to choose so I think I'll plan a few out and see which one seems to be the best.

It's my Mum's birthday today so she's been opening her presents and things and we went for a walk and a coffee with Kizzie and a friend. Getting chips for lunch soon too so we're being pretty indulgent but whatever, it's her birthday and it's my end-of-summer-school day so we're going to have fun :)

HARRY POTTER tomorrow! I'm so freaking excited.

I need to catch up on writing and reading and get back to commenting on posts etc. I've missed you guys so much!

harry potter, friends, uni, summerschool, thank you, writing

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