Kind of a long entry...

Jun 29, 2011 17:07

Wow. It's so hot again today - I really love this weather! I know that the heat makes me lazy and I don't get much done but it's so nice to be able to wear sandals and go outside without needing a coat.

The SPN S2 marathon was a success - we got through 13 episodes, rather a lot of beer (although I only had one) and five packets of dorrittos between ( Read more... )

leavers, other stuff, fandom stuff, fandom, slashy mind, fun times, friends, supernatural, real life, fic stuff, shows, meme, randomness, kizzie, leverage, photos

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Comments 12

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theron09 June 29 2011, 21:02:35 UTC
Haha, you should! It really is fun :) It's awesome doing it with friends (now that they like it!) because I get to see their reactions at seeing it for the first time :)

I know! I'm never this sociable, lol!


Haha, I haven't really been on in ages...I thought about deleting my account but then someone else said I should just leave it because some people will still enjoy the stories (even though I'm mortified at some of the quality!) It was so long ago, though - I'm glad we've stayed in touch all this time!!


rottweiler7692 June 29 2011, 17:13:04 UTC
A SN marathon sounds so awesome and fun. :D

I agree with you about Leverage and its shippiness lol. I've multi-shipped on shows before but Leverage just gives you so much material for so many different pairings.

I want to watch SN Season 2 again now haha. ;)


theron09 June 29 2011, 21:09:44 UTC
It really was! Up until a few months ago, none of my friends liked the show and now they all love it so I'm having a great time, haha!

It's so, so shippy! Like, watching the last episode I was just going: 'It's Parker/Hardison, no wait Eliot/Nate - Nate/Sophie - Eliot/Hardison...' lol

Haha, I love Season 2 - it's so great.


melodious329 June 29 2011, 18:44:57 UTC
Ahhh, lol. How I do not miss that confusing site. It was fantastic when I started because there was so much there, but it was awful hard to find what I was looking for


theron09 June 29 2011, 21:11:01 UTC
Haha, I think most people start out on there and then migrate away! It's great when you first discover it because there's so much fic everywhere but I think I prefer the community experience of lj more :)


kros_21 June 29 2011, 20:46:35 UTC
this warm weather is just a joy right? I went to beach since it was holiday in Rome. :D

omg now I envy those people from your school. When are you gonna send me some brownies?!??! XD

happy birthday Kizzie! :D


theron09 June 29 2011, 21:12:26 UTC
It really is! I hope you had fun at the beach - it was really quiet when we went down and Kizzie had a great run :)

Haha, if I could send you some I totally would!

Kizzie thanks you ;)


woman_of_ June 29 2011, 22:44:42 UTC
You are having a busy time. Hope you have a wonderful day when you go out!


theron09 June 30 2011, 12:26:15 UTC
I know! It's mad - I haven't done anything other than revise for months and now all of a sudden I'm being invited out all over the place!

Thank you :) The beach was awesome yesterday - having a quietish day at home today and then going out for the meal later on.


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