Kind of a long entry...

Jun 29, 2011 17:07

Wow. It's so hot again today - I really love this weather! I know that the heat makes me lazy and I don't get much done but it's so nice to be able to wear sandals and go outside without needing a coat.

The SPN S2 marathon was a success - we got through 13 episodes, rather a lot of beer (although I only had one) and five packets of dorrittos between us. There was also pizza and gag reel quotes and tickling. And then my friend walked me home because he's a gentleman like that.

I went into school again today for a party thing with my English Language class - took some homemade chocolate brownies in for people and it was really nice to see everyone. Tomorrow night I'm going for a meal with my English Literature class. I feel like I haven't stopped lately!

I FINALLY saw K today. He texted me earlier and we arranged to meet up at the school. It was so nice to see him, even if I am still a bit annoyed at how long he left it without getting in touch. He did sort of have a reason but still. Anyway, we're going for pizza on Friday (out again!) because it's his birthday on Saturday. I ordered him this Miami Vice book because he loves the show except it arrived and it's kind of small so I'm going to put some money in his card as well because it his his 18th.

Yesterday was also Kizzie's third birthday! I can't believe how quickly that's gone! Anyway, Mum, a friend and I took her for a long walk in the morning and she got her presents and things.

The birthday girl over Christmas time (because I haven't uploaded the new photos to my laptop yet)

I can't wait for the next episode of Leverage - the first episode of the season was so amazing and I'm looking forward to more. The episode got me thinking about just how shippy the show is. It's the first fandom that I've truly multi-shipped for and I love it :) Speaking of Leverage, the people said they're going to send out another copy of the disk that wasn't working.

Watching Supernatural yesterday I realised just how much gay subtext there is in season two. I picked up on things that I (somehow) hadn't before and I have to bite my tongue to stop being all gleeful around my friends who think wincest is weird!

A week or so I snagged a thirty day fanfiction meme from sheryden and I'm finally getting around to starting it :)

Day One -  How did you first get into writing fanfic, and what was the first fandom you wrote for? What do you think it was about that fandom that pulled you in?

I was first introduced to fanfic by a friend - I think I must have been about 13 years old and she showed my Honestly, I don’t think she was into fanfiction all that much but I got hooked and yeah, that was exciting. I’d always been into writing and I used to love thinking of ways shows could go so when I realised I wasn’t the only one who did that I was so happy!

The first fandom I wrote for was for a show called ‘The Bill.’ It was a cop tv show over here in the UK that ran for a long, long time and I loved it. I think what drew me into the fandom was the fact that my favourite character was a pretty popular character in the fandom at that point so it was awesome.

leavers, other stuff, fandom stuff, fandom, slashy mind, fun times, friends, supernatural, real life, fic stuff, shows, meme, randomness, kizzie, leverage, photos

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