Oooh, yay :)

Jun 30, 2011 13:58


I'm in a really good mood at the moment - feeling kind of confident and more sure about things :) I like it!!

The beach was really great last night. By the time we got along to the coast it was about 8pm so we got our meal (ie. chips in the car) before we went for our walk. Considering how nice a day it was, the beach was really quiet! Anyway, the light was really pretty and Kizzie seemed to have an awesome time so all was good.

I watched the Hitchcock film 'Vertigo' this morning. It's on the list of things we're doing at the assessed summer school (which starts next week!) so I figured I should watch it. I quite enjoyed it - maybe I was a bit oblivious but I didn't get what was happening until the twist was revealed so the suspense definitely worked. It's a while since I've studied any Hitchcock so I think I should probably try and do some background reading before hand.

I'm reading 'Atonement' at the moment (also on the materials list.) I like it so far - it's very different to Enduring Love which I read last year but, up to where I'm at now, it's good. I need to try and read Pride and Prejudice again, too. I'm not even sure whether I finished it the last time I read it (which is an awful thing for a literature student to say, lol!)

I'm going to try and do some writing over the next few hours, then I'm helping at the Brownies before heading out for the meal with my English Literature class. Honestly, though, I really can't wait until tomorrow night. I should get in from pizza with K by around 6/7 and then I'll actually be able to have a relaxing night in!!!

I think I'll finish off with the fic meme now - everyone enjoy your day!

2 - Name the fandoms you've written in, and how much you've written in that fandom, and if you still write in it.

Oh wow, this will take some thinking! I’ll write them out in the order that I remember them!

The Bill - I wrote a few fics in this fandom, some of them that I really cringe at now because I was so young and looking back I can find so many errors! I did write my first real long!fic for this fandom, though. It was a fic that I was pretty proud of, eighteen chapters in total and *cringes* it was just over 20,000 words which means that the chapters were way too short. I think it was quite well written, though, so I guess everyone has to start somewhere. Technically, I’m still writing in this fandom because I have a WIP that hasn’t been added to in about a year that I do want to finish eventually.

Pirates of the Caribbean -This another one I’m going to cringe at. I wrote one story and, yeah, I’m not telling you anything about it, lol!

Diagnosis Murder - Yeah, I’m just that cool :) I actually really like this show (It’s a guilty pleasure!) Anyway, I wrote five stories that I published on and I also took part in a round robin fic on a yahoo group that I was a member of. I don’t still write in this fandom but I still watch the show occasionally!

Alex Rider - I’m not sure whether this really counts as the only things I wrote were drabbles but yeah, I wrote three different drabbles in this fandom years ago and nothing else

Friends - I wrote one Friends song!fic and that was it. Looking back at all these fics, I can actually see how much I’ve improved which is nice.

National Treasure - I wrote nine things for this fandom (that’s more than I thought!) Some were drabbles but some were full blown fics, too. I still really love this movie but I don’t think I’ll ever write any more fics about it.

Oceans 11 - Nine fics for this one (including a crossover with SPN.) I’m not going to rule out writing in this fandom again because I love it but, at the moment, I’m not really active. That said, I really like this fandom because there are so many situations you could write about.

Starsky and Hutch - I…won’t say anything about this one :) I love Starsky and Hutch but the two things I wrote for the fandom really weren’t all that good!

Supernatural(!) - If I’m honest, this is my first proper fandom where, as well as writing stories, I’m participating in challenges and making friends and discussing the show. I’ve written a lot of stories in this fandom, including challenge fics. Obviously, I’m still writing in this one! So far I have about 30   stories in total.

CWRPS - This was a first for me - RPS. I’ve written a lot in this fandom, too, including a big bang fic. I’m definitely going to keep writing in the fandom for now! I’ve written about 20 stories in this fandom up until now.

Leverage - My newest fandom - although it’s not that new, anymore! I’m currently participating in my first challenge in this fandom and I’ve written three complete stories so far.

90210 - I haven’t even seen this show in full, just clips of a certain pairing that I quite liked. I wrote three stories but then the pairing split up and I kind of lost interest.

reading, real life, film, kizzie, meme

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