I'm still here...

Jun 22, 2011 10:42

Happy Birthday dante_s_hell ! I hope you have an amazing, amazing day. *hugs you tight*

Yesterday, an awesome thing happened. I met up with a friend that I met through fandom for the first time ever :) trollmela , I had a great time yesterday and it was so lovely to meet you and show you around (part of) my city. *hugs*

A not so awesome thing happened yesterday as well. ( Read more... )

twitter, friends, real life, leverage, birthday wishes, writing, awesome things

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Comments 18

si_star_x June 22 2011, 09:51:56 UTC
Saturday is SO CLOSE! *Gets excited for you*
I got your e-mail, thank you so much. <3


theron09 June 22 2011, 10:06:40 UTC
Haha, I know! It's not far away now :) Course, I only have a week and then it's the summer school for another week but I'm actually looking forward to that :)

Yay, I hope it helped - let me know if/when you want me to do a proper beta on it and I will :)


si_star_x June 23 2011, 16:08:04 UTC
Nope, it's not far away at all! Thank you for reading it over. <3


kros_21 June 22 2011, 10:52:38 UTC
first time? oh so cool! :)
I have met quite a few friends from fandom and it's always nice. :)

ahahahahhahaah dude you can't give up brownie night. XD


P.S. next bb fic on my list is yours! :D


theron09 June 22 2011, 15:02:02 UTC
Yeah, it was so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha, I would usually just take the night off but I don't want them to have to cancel.

Oooh, I hope you'll enjoy it, hon!



jojothecr June 22 2011, 11:27:17 UTC
End of exams and the start of a week where I have nothing to do but read and write and watch tv and just chill.
Sounds great! It's only a few days. Hold on. ;)

I watched the first and second season of Leverage, and I must admit I was a bit disappointed. I loved the very first episode, but then... I don't know, it just feels too same to me. Maybe it's just me. ;) But scratched disc sucks, being it Supernatural, I'd be so pissed.


theron09 June 22 2011, 15:04:35 UTC
Haha, yeah, it's not long now!

I know what you mean - sometimes the episodes can seem quite formulaic but I really like the characters and a lot of the cons have me going 'oh, that's clever.' Season Three was less formulaic; there was more of an arc for all the episodes and they tried out some different formats.

I just hope they get another one sent out without being awkward about it!


trollmela June 22 2011, 12:05:56 UTC
I loved meeting up with you too! It was so much fun talking face to face, getting the tour around the city and lunch was absolutely fantastic. *hugs back*

How disappointing to find out that the dvd was scratched! Especially because you'll have to wait for it so long! I hope they'll send you a replacement without making an issue of it.

Good luck for your exam on Friday! I'm so looking forward to July 7 myself, which is when I have my last test. I may not always be the most dedicated student and revise as much as I should but it does feel better when they're not hanging over your head.


theron09 June 22 2011, 15:07:35 UTC
It really was great to meet up and see the castle keep and things (can't believe I hadn't done that before!) And lunch was really great - I'm glad you liked it, too :) Anyway, I'm glad I didn't get us too lost! Did you do anything after going to see Hadrian's Wall/this morning before uoi left?

Yeah, it was annoying - I hope it'll get here reasonably quickly and with minimum stress involved!!

Thank you :D I just want it to be over with now, lol! Definitely - I hope the exams aren't too stressful for you and that you'll have fun relaxing afterwards!



screamoutloud June 22 2011, 13:35:05 UTC
Sucks about the Leverage dvd not working, hope you get it sorted soon!

Have fun on Saturday!! :D


theron09 June 22 2011, 15:08:43 UTC
Yeah - it does! Thank you XD (Also, I went to the castle keep for the first time yesterday - can't believe I'd never been before, lol!)

Thank you XD


screamoutloud June 22 2011, 15:10:24 UTC
I've never been to the castle keep either, fun?


theron09 June 22 2011, 15:13:05 UTC
I'm glad I'm not the only local person who hasn't, then! I had to wander around in circles a bit before I managed to find it!

It was pretty cool - you got a nice view from the roof and the museum-y bits were interesting.


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